30 Days of Active Self-Care in June

During the beautiful summer month of June, we are going to focus on our self-care goals related to physical fitness fits into that vision. June is a perfect half-way point to re-dedicate yourself to goals you thought about at the beginning of the year. The weather is ideal for walking, running, swimming, outdoor yoga and biking.

Here are 30 self-care ideas for the 30 days of June: June Self Care Challenge

You may complete the activities in any order you please. You may do more than one activity a day. The goal is to complete as many activities as you can by June 30.

I’d like to encourage you to purchase a binder (for a dollar at Dollar Tree) and dedicate it to your self-care work. Print out these self-care challenges each month and put them in the binder, along with some looseleaf paper for journaling and notes. Feel free to add your coloring pages, drawings, inspiration boards, bucket lists, to do lists,  or articles. This practice has made a huge difference to my sense of balance and wellbeing this year. I love looking through my binder and seeing what I have completed. P.S. If you feel motivated, you can complete self-care challenges you skipped in previous months, too!

We will start the month by stating the June affirmation (above). 

  1. Today is Say Something Nice Day. Are you nice to yourself? Positive self-talk is a form of self-care. Look in the mirror and the say the affirmation out loud today. Saying “I take care of the miracle that is my body” is empowering!
  2. Today is Global Running Day. If you are a runner, this is your day! If you are not a runner, try running in place for 45 seconds or for the duration of your favorite song. Go at a pace that is right for you. An inspirational running movie to watch today is Chariots of Fire. Here are 29 more!
  3. Today is World Bicycle Day! If you have a bicycle, this is your day! You can also rent a bike for an hour or two or pedal on a stationery bike at the gym. Don’t have access to a bike? Try this standing bicycle exercise.
    A fun bicycling movie to watch for today is Breaking Away. Here are 26 more. 
  4. Journal about your fitness goals. Revisit the health and exercise resolutions you made at the beginning of this year.  Write about the progress you have made and what you have learned. If you have not worked on these goals very much, think about the  challenges or obstacles you faced. Was it lack of motivation? Illness or injury? Work or family demands?  Considering the reality of these obstacles, how can you rework your plan to meet your objectives? Add your journal page to your self-care binder (see above). Alterntatively (or additionally), recommit to your fitness goals by adding motivational stickers to your planner as fun reminders.
  5. Today is National Trails Day. Take a walk on a hike or trail and enjoy the outdoors (cicadas and all!).
  6. Try a fitness meditation/visualization. Holding a carnelian crystal (optional), close your eyes and imagine yourself completing a simple workout from beginning to end, enjoying feelings of self-confidence, strength, satisfaction, accomplishment or whatever feeling you choose. Then, bringing along your crystal with you as your “exercise buddy,”  complete one workout of your choice. Did visualizing the process first make it easier or more enjoyable for you to complete?
  7. Check the condition of your workout shoes – trainers, running shoes, walking shoes — today.   
  8. Today is Best Friends Day. Good friends support each other’s goals. Who can help you help achieve your fitness goals? Do you have a workout buddy? Do something active together today to celebrate your friendship — take a walk or hike, climb a climbing wall, go to the pool or gym or do exercises together. 
  9. Tonight is the New Moon. It is an opportune time to set intentions for  the rest of the month. Do you have fitness goals to achieve? Meditate on them tonight.
  10. Today is Herbs and Spices Day. Herbs and spices have beneficial properties for your wellness. Use some fresh or dried ones in your meals to  day (while reducing salt). It is also Iced Tea Day — add some fresh spearmint to your iced tea!
  11. A strong core can help you avoid back pain. Here are three core exercises most people can perform to strengthen their core muscles.
  12. In studies, people who drank green tea (about 3 cups a day) lost more weight than people did not. To benefit from green tea, drink the caffeinated version and do not use boiling water (use very hot water). Steep for 10 minutes. 
  13. Today, write down 10 things you are grateful for about the miracle that is your body. Then read them out loud. Handwriting and reading out loud is good for your brain and memory and gratitude is a form of self care.
  14.  Try a Crystal Workout! Holding the carnelian (for self-confidence and strength), imagine yourself completing a workout from beginning to finish. Then, bringing your crystal with you as an exercise buddy,  complete one workout of your choice. How did working out make you feel? Do you think visualizing your success first helped make the process easier or increased your confidence? Write about it in your journal.
  15. Is your fitness equipment easily accessible? Today, create a well-organized storage place for your fitness equipment so you’ll use it more often.
  16. Take a healing bath with epsom salts to soothe tight or sore muscles today.
  17. Today is Eat Your Vegetables Day. Did you know that researchers have found that a whole foods, plant-based (or mostly plant-based) diet is the most healthful way to lose weight, lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of stroke and have a healthy heart? Today, enjoy fresh or frozen vegetables with every meal. Include at least one leafy green vegetable.By the way, if you wear flip flops to Tropical Smoothie today, you can get a free smoothie! 
  18. Today is Splurge Day. Today, splurge on a fitness item you’ve wanted, such as shoes, socks, clothing, yoga mat or yoga block, resistance bands, weights or an exercise video. 
  19. Balance exercises can help prevent falls. My sister fell last month and knocked her head on a wall, getting a concussion. As a consequence, I’m learning a lot about fall prevention. Try these exercises to improve your balance.
  20. Research supplements that stabilize blood sugar and lower blood pressure. Vitamin D, Mulberry Extract, Cinnamon, probiotics, fiber supplments (chicory/inulin), grapeseed extract, hibiscus, turmeric/curcumin with piperine and hawthorn are herbs and compounds that are heart-healthy. Check with your doctor about possible medication interactions.
  21. Happy First Day of Summer! Today is the International Day of Yoga. Here is a yoga workout to try. 
  22. Today is Kissing Day! Blow yourself a kiss after completing your workout today. Mwah!
  23. Today is National Hydration Day. And it is also Pink Day! How ab0ut buying yourself a pink water bottle for your workouts? Whatever you choose to do today, stay hydrated. Water is essential to reduce inflammation and remove toxins from  your body. Drinking plenty of water can also help you lose weight.
  24. Today is the Strawberry Full moon and it is also a Super Moon. Celebrate with ripe strawberries for breakfast or dessert tonight.
  25. A satin eye mask can help you sleep when early morning sun rays enter your bedroom. I bought one from CVS that was infused with lavender. It was under $10. You can also buy a mask from Target for about $5. Sufficient sleep helps you lose weight and recover from workouts. 
  26. Today is Forgiveness Day. Hey, working out (and losing weight, if you need to) is hard! Don’t carry that blame around with you or let it side-track your goals. No one is perfect. Forgive yourself (and anyone else) today and recommit to your goals with a clean slate.
  27. Today is Pineapple Day. Pineapple contains bromelain, an anti-inflammatory compound. It is also rich in nutrients, fiber and water. Some say eating pineapple can help you lose weight. Pineapple juice is good before or after workouts.
  28. Today is Insurance Awareness Day. Were you aware (ha ha) that some insurance plans include gym or fitness classes benefits? Research your plan to see if it pays for anything that can promote your personal fitness goals.
  29. Today is National Camera Day. Smile and take a post-workout selfie! 
  30. Today is  Beach Day. Can’t make it to the beach? Here is a guided meditation with a beach walk theme that is the next best thing.

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