A Brain-Healthy Diet

After helping care for my mom who is living with dementia, I began researching ways to keep my brain healthy as long as possible.

I was also concerned about my weight which has been a problem for me since I developed hypothyroidism. I talked to a doctor about it. She said I was a candidate for bariatric surgery. I asked if she had any less drastic suggestions for weight loss and she mentioned nutritional counseling. That’s when I went home and starting reading PubMed research studies on the best ways to lose weight. It turns out that eating a whole foods, plant-based, mostly oil-free diet is just about the most effective way to lose weight. Some people have reversed plaque buildup in their arteries, metabolic syndrome and diabetes simply by making this dietary change. Shockingly, Keto was shown NOT to be a healthy diet. In fact, there are people who are dying on the Keto diet. That was news to me. Some carbs are really essential for good health.

Drinking plain ol’ water is incredibly important. Adding some lemon, cucumber or cut up berries is okay.

I also learned there were three things you should do to prevent or lessen your chances of getting dementia or Alzheimers: get enough sleep, be active and eat a brain-healthy diet. What I learned about the last factor really surprised me.

Flavonoids are compounds in foods that are good for your brain and are the foods most associated with preventing dementia. These compounds are found in fruits, vegetables and soy products. The USDA flavonoid chart lists all the foods with flavonoids. Some really stood out for having the highest concentrations. They were

  • Parsley. Who knew? Parsley is crazy good for you.
  • Beets and beet greens (rinse tops very well and eat on first day)
  • Green tea, black tea, white tea, coffee. Green tea helps people lose weight.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Radishes and radish greens (rinse tops very well and eat on first day)
  • Blackberries and blueberries. All berries, really, but especially those two.
  • Citrus.
  • Kale. And all leafy greens.
  • Celery. Especially the hearts.
  • Pecans.
  • Arugula. And all salad greeens.
  • Red Cabbage. Raw. I had no idea. I thought it was just for color. Intensely full of flavonoids, like many red and purple fruits and veggies.
  • Soy products and edamame. They have their own category of flavonoids.
  • Buckwheat. Buckwheat is in soba noodles.

But all vegetables and fruits were basically healthy. All berries have ALL six types of flavonoids. We should probably be eating some kind of berry (fresh or frozen) several times a week, in addition to leafy greens and a variety of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, as well as fresh herbs, like parsley. I was surprised to learn that artichokes were also a nutrition powerhouse.

Some vegetables and produce can be contaminated with e coli and other harmful substances. It might be a good idea to invest in a salad spinner and produce wash. A salad spinner would be invaluable for rinsing muddy radish and beet greens. The OXO salad spinner ($30, Target; Amazon) looks like a winner. A spinner winner 🙂

The MIND Diet promotes a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, beans, fresh herbs, whole grains, minimal amounts of low fat dairy, up to 7 eggs a week, nuts, olive oil, poultry and fish. It is more inclusive than the whole foods, plant-based diet, but it is still healthier than what I have been accustomed to eating.

I was shocked to learn about all the foods that may contribute to a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia. I’ve eaten cheeseburgers, macaroni and cheese and pizza most of my life. I thought deli turkey sandwiches were healthy. But no. These foods should not be a regular part of my diet (or anyone’s). If anything, they should be occasional treats (e.g., a cupcake for your birthday, maybe a fast food meal once a month, if that). Eliminate or sharply reduce from your diet:

  • Alcohol. The research on this is divided. There is research that says a glass of red wine helps prevent dementia. Other studies say alcohol in any quantity is not advisable.
  • Fast food. Microwave meals. Mixes and prepared foods.
  • Deli meats, hot dogs, sausages and bacon. The whole deli counter, including all those prepared salads and fried chicken, is basically dead to you now.
  • Any food or drink containing high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweetners.
  • Soda, including soda made with cane sugar. Sugary drinks.
  • Margarine.
  • Frosting.
  • Coffemate (and similar) coffee creamer. I did not know this but Coffee Mate is basically death on a spoon. There are healthier alternatives.
  • Bakery sweets, especially donuts. Candy, cake, pies, brownies, muffins,  cookies and ice cream. Flavored yogurt: eat the plain kind!
  • Fried anything: chips, fries, meats. I honestly don’t know if an air fryer is healthy or not. I don’t have one.
  • Crackers. I think maybe plain Triscuits would be okay, in moderation.
  • Rice cakes, bagels, croissants, baguettes (sob), etc. Not okay.
  • White flour, white rice and white pasta (and some say white potatoes).
  • Breakfast cereal is frowned on. This will be the toughest one for me to kick.
  • The jury is out on red meat. Some say eat no beef or pork at all. My doctor told me red meat is inflammatory. Other studies say grass-fed, lean beef is okay occasionally. One thing is not to microwave, burn, char or grill the meat. Very high heat creates harmful compounds. Marinating red meat before cooking is best.
  • The jury is out on dairy. Some say no dairy. Others say low-fat dairy is fine, especially yogurt and kefir and maybe some feta cheese. The MIND diet sharply reduces dairy and the whole foods, plant-based diet has basically no dairy at all.
  • Wild caught fish (salmon, tilapia, haddock, sole, trout) and seafood are good (but not ahi tuna and swordfish). Pregnant women have to be careful about some additional kinds of fish.

Basically, if you aren’t already doing so:

  • Start walking or exercising at least a half hour a day (more if you can). It’s best to exercise on an empty or mostly empty stomach (like before breakfast) because you burn more fat that way.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Start drinking green tea if you can, with caffeine. If you don’t like it, drink black tea. Coffee is okay. Flavored coffee drinks and Coffee Mate: nope!
  • Just forget about soda, sweets, candy and fast food.
  • If you have sleep apnea, get it treated. Otherwise, go to sleep about the same time every night and shoot for 8 hours of rest.
  • Massively increase the amount of raw and cooked, fresh and frozen veggies you consume. Eat leafy greens every day plus at least one other vegetable. You want to aim for 5 – 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day. A serving isn’t that much.
  • Eat the WHOLE egg (unless a doctor says no).
  • Swap out whole wheat, buckwheat for white bread and pasta.
  • Don’t eat any of the bad stuff above or make them occasional treats.

What do you think? Tell me everything you know about nutrition and heart health/brain health!
