31 Days of Fulfilling Self-Care in July

This July, we focus on the self-care themes of personal interests, hobbies and adventures. Setting aside time to develop your interests, participate in your favorite activities and travel is a form of self-care. All of these activities help keep your brain healthy and foster a sense of identity and emotional well-being.

Download the July Self-Care Tracker (.pdf): July Self Care Challenge

The order is suggested, only. You can do the activities in any order you choose and you can do more than one a day. Try to do as many as you can (alter them, if you wish!) and color in a lot of suns on your printable tracker! Self-care is a healthy habit that takes time to develop but if your experience is like mine, doing these monthly self-care challenges will change the way you approach your personal self-care. That results in all kinds of good benefits, including improved mental, emotional, cognitve and physical health and spiritual wellbeing.

As usual, the self-care days of the week are typically grouped around themes:

  • Mondays – Mindfulness activities “Mindfulness Monday”
  • Tuesdays – Healthy foods and drinks “Tasty Tuesday”
  • Wednesdays- Workouts “Workout Wednesday”
  • Thursdays – Gratitude and contributions “Thankful Thursday”
  • Fridays – Beauty and relaxing
  • Saturday – Fun and adventures  “Social Saturday”
  • Sundays – Relaxing “Self-Care Sunday”
  1. Say an affirmation about your dedication to hobbies and travel. Suggested: “My interests, hobbies and adventures help me live my life to the fullest.” Try it while holding a Moonstone, the “Traveler’s Stone.”
  2. Are you feet and legs summer-ready? Take some time today to pamper your feet and legs with a bootie-style foot peel (Target, Wal-Mart), peppermint foot and leg lotion, or a foot scrub. Finish with moisturizing, self-tanning lotion, if desired. Today is also World UFO Day!
  3. We were separated from friends and family for so long during the pandemic. Travel and reconnect today. It is also Plastic Bag Free Day, a good reminder to choose reusable shopping bags. Can’t visit family? Celebrate Drop a Painted Rock Day — you paint a rock with a cheerful design or uplifting message, then you place it mindfully somewhere someone will find it (e.g., near somewhere people walk). It’s fun!
  4. Happy Birthday, America! Celebrate the 4th by wearing red, white and blue and enjoying traditional BBQ/picnic fare and fireworks!
  5. Are you a workaholic? Well, you might be interested to know that this National Workaholics Day. Bring more balance and inner peace back into your life with this soothing summer guided meditation.
  6. Make iced tea — but try making it with green tea! It’s delicious even without sugar and it can help you lose weight. Today is also National Kissing Day, so plant a smack on someone you love 🙂
  7. Try this beginner yoga workout if, like me, you are new to yoga
    . It is also Chocolate Day — choose one rich in cacao for heart-healthy antioxidants.
  8. Do you dream about traveling but never make plans to go anywhere? Make an inspirational vision board of places you would like to visit (or one place), using travel-themed stickers from the craft store and travel brochure images, to inspire your planning process and turn your dreams into reality!
  9. Tonight is the New Moon. It is an excellent time to meditate and set your intentions for the month until the Full Moon on the 24th.
  10. Take a camping trip or set up a tent in the backyard and sleep under the stars tonight.  Don’t have a tent or prefer to sleep in your cozy bed? Find an outdoor concert to enjoy today. There are lots of free ones in July.
  11. Take a trip to a nearby country town to see beautiful scenery, buy fresh produce and explore. Stop at 7-11 today for a free Slurpee (on 7/11 day).
  12. Today is National Simplicity Day! Simplifying your life is a form of self-care. What will you do today? De-clutter? Clear your schedule for down-time? Eliminate stressors from your life? Say no to overwork and overextending with commitments? Switch to a whole-f00ds, plant-based diet or other healthy diet? Live within your means and debt-free? Create a capsule wardobe with what you have?
  13. Today, relax outdoors with a fun, umbrella drink. It doesn’t have to be alcoholic, just icy and in a fun glass with an umbrella. Make mine with pineapple, please!
  14. Go see a live baseball game. Wednesdays are one of the best days for baseball games. If you can’t get tickets to a major league game, pick a minor league game (tickets are much more affordable) or watch your neighborhood Little League team play. Baseball not your thing? It is also Bastille Day in France, and here in the United States, La Madeleine typically offers a freebie (like a mini tart). Check Facebook for a special offer or enjoy a French lunch.
  15. Today is Give Something Away Day. What do you have around your home that you don’t need anymore? Make room in your home for peaceful space and give it away! Today is also National Pina Colada Day! Make a healthy version in the blender without alcohol and treat yourself.
  16. Today, explore nature. Gardens will be in full bloom. Or visit a farm  park or nature center trail.  There should be lots of butterflies around!
  17. Ready for more adventure? Travel to the beach (or lake) before the jellyfish become more active (usually in August). Beach too far or too much $$$? Visit a National, State or regional park (some have swimming and “beaches”).  Today is also World Emoji Day — feel those feels! 🙂
  18. Today is National Ice Cream Day. You can get a free cone at Baskin Robbins but you have to download the app to get it.
  19. It’s Mindfulness Monday. Visit a meditation center or mindfulness store. Not sure where to look? Google “metaphysical shop near me.” You can also find events hosted by stores on Meetup.com. Five Below has lots of affordable mindfulness journals, Chakra cards, smudges, incense, crystals, mandala coloring books and wall hangings and other accessories for your sacred space.
  20. Today is National Moon Day! It’s not quite the full moon — that’s on the 24th — but the moon should still be almost full. National Moon Day commemoraes the day U.S. astronauts landed on the Moon.
  21. Too hot to exercise outside? Take advantage of a free trial at a local gym and use the elliptical or exercise bike indoors with A/C.
  22. On Thankful Thursday, make a gratitude list with a hobbies or travel theme. Gratitude is a form of self-care. Today is also National Hot Dog Day. Hot dogs are not a healthy food but okay for every once in a while, and you can get a free one today at 7-11.
  23. Ready for a short bob or pixie cut? A short, summer hairstyle is youthful and requires no to minimal styling or accessories. It’s great for working out and swimming and it will grow back to cover your neck by winter. And it’s just not so hot with all that hair!
  24. Today is International Self-Care Day! Celebrate today by doing your favorite self-care activities. What will you choose to do for yourself today? There is also a full moon tonight.
  25. Take some time today to explore a waterfront town, marina or pier. There’s something about being around boats and water that is so relaxing. Plus, there is the bonus of fresh seafood nearby, and crabs are in season! Steamed crabs are low-calorie and full of nutrients that lower blood pressure and improve cognition.
  26. Take a mindful sunset walk today. As the air cools, breathe deeply and remain in the moment, in nature. Today is also Aunt and Uncle Day — send them a note or give them a call to tell  them how special they are to you!
  27. Make a pitcher of Mexican aqua fresca today to hydrate in a delicious way. Blend 2 cups of watermelon or cantaloupe with 4 cups of water, 2 tsp of lime juice and a 1/4 cup of sugar to make a fruity drink. Chill before serving.
  28. Work out in water today to keep cool – swim, water walk, water aerobics, water volleyball or water basketball.
  29. Try a new craft or class today. One of the easiest ways to be creative is to buy a craft kit at Michael’s, Five Below, Target, Wal-mart or other craft or hobby shop. Dollar Tree also has lots of affordable crafts materials. Some of my favorite craft activities: painted rocks, painting candle holders, making tiny Zen gardens, beaded jewelry, terrariums, weaving/yarn creations, suncatchers, coloring books and papercraft/planners/scrabooks/journals.
  30. Today is International Friendship Day! Celebrate today with your friends and make sure they know how much they mean to you. Social connection is a form of self-care.
  31. Have you visited your State Capitol yet? Summer is a great time to visit these beautiful and historic buildings and grounds (because the legislators are typically not in) and grounds. The tour gives you a new appreciation for how government works and is especially valuable if you have school age children. Most capital cites have festivals, nightlife, restaurants, museums, walking tours and shopping areas to explore and are usually not more than a couple of hours drive away.  Today is also National Avocado Day! Enjoy some avocado toast, guacamole or other avocado treat. Avocados are rich in heart-healthy, monosaturated fats.
