Happy International Self-Care Day!

Are you ready to devote yourself to some self-care today? I hope so, because it is International Self-Care Day!

You know, self-care is more than spa-like treatments (although those are wonderful). Your wellness involves all aspects of your life.

  • Physical: wellness checkups, sleep, exercise, nutrition, supplements, fresh air and sunshine, etc.
  • Emotional: managing stress, relationships, boundaries, self-esteem, managing mental health challenges, traditions, celebrations
  • Financial: savings, wise spending, debt management
  • Cognitive: reading, learning, travel, brain-memory games,
  • Creative self-expression: crafting, journaling, photography, coloring, singing, dancing, fashion, etc.
  • Spiritual: religion, meditation, gratitude, donations, volunteer work, nature, sustainability, etc.

Every month since September of last year, I have been publishing a Self-Care Challenge of daily self-care activities to try. I don’t do them every single day but I do allot more time to my self-care.

I have seen great results with that. I am feel happier, more creative and more effective. I also feel more loving and generous. I guess it’s true that when you take care of yourself, you are much better able to be there for others.

I’m so excited about this in my life that I have wanted to share this with others. While I am by no means a self-care expert, I am really committed to the idea of self-care! So won’t you join me in celebrating this day? What kind of self-care will you try? Here are some ideas to restore your body and spirit for today, July 24.

  • Paint some rocks with self-care reminders 🙂 Ideas: “Namaste,” “Breathe,” “Gratitude,” “Pause” and “Self-Care.”
  • Take a walk near flowers, grass and trees (or water), breathe and be in the moment.
  • Make a pitcher of flavored water — your choice of melon, lemon, cucumber or other ingredient — and hydrate all day.
  • Go to bed an hour earlier.
  • Set your bank account to deposit a monthly sum in your savings every month.
  • Visit Five Below or your favorite book store and shop for a book, journal or magazine about self care and mindfulness. Five Below also has incense, aromatherapy diffusers, yoga mats, crystals, sage smudges, sleep masks, facial masks and so many other great self-care products for five dollars or less.
  • Watch the sun set or go outside and look at the fire flies and stars.
  • Light a scented candle and play your favorite music while relaxing.
  • Buy flowers or a plant for a friend or loved one.
  • Try tumeric supplements or a daily cup or two of tart cherry juice to reduce joint inflammation.
  • Print some encouraging quotes or affirmaitons from Pinterest and tape them on your bathroom wall.
  • Massage your hands, arms, feet and legs with lotion in your favorite scent.
  • Journal or make a vision boad about your self-care plans.
  • Unplug from the news and social media for a day.
  • Color a mandala.
  • Eat a meatless meal with superfood ingredients like almonds, sunflower seeds, citrus, avocado, quinoa, chia seeds, spinach, red peppers, tofu, edamame, egg, berries, yogurt or your favorite ingredients.
  • Find a yoga workout (or other workout) on YouTube.
  • Write down three things you are grateful for today.
  • Drink a cup of green tea, outdoors (on your patio, deck, balcony, etc).
  • Hold a rose quart crystal or turn on an aroma diffuser and meditate.

Enjoy your day of self-care. You DESERVE it 🙂 Mwah! 🙂
