28 Days of Self-Love in February

February is all about the love! This month, I’ve incorporated plenty of activities to show yourself some self-love. Download the self-care tracker: February self care challenge 2022 and complete as many as you can!

1 Today is the Lunar New Year – the Year of the Tiger – and the New Moon. Relax and set positive intentions with this calming meditation.

2 Too cold to walk outside? Here is a 30-minute indoor walking workout from Fabulous 50s that will lift your mood AND your heart rate! 💗

3 Tart cherry juice is rich in sleep-promoting melatonin. It also reduces inflammation and can help painful joints. 💗 Swap it for red wine.

4  Relax and be creative 💗 with this Valentine coloring page, free to print from Crayola 

5 I love roses — but honestly, when I put them in my apartment, they make me sneeze! So, I take photographs of them. Snap some photos of roses and valentine decorations to share on social media with your friends.

6 Take a tea and gratitude break with rosy herbal tea. Rose hip and hibiscus teas are rich in Vitamin C and other nutrients and taste delicious without sweeteners. Rose hips are good for your immune system and can help alleviate arthritis, while hibiscus can lower your blood pressure. Journal about what you are grateful this month as you sip. 💗

7 Today is Send a Card to a Friend Day. And Valentine’s Day is in a week…so, perfect timing! After you select your Valentines for friends and famimly, pick up some of the 2022 “LOVE” stamps from the post office. Doing caring things for others is an important element of self-care, because it makes you feel good, too. 💗 And, yes, you can mail a valentine to yourself!

8 Rose-scented Jergen’s Rose Body Butter is less than $10 and is great to smooth on winter-dry skin. That’s a nice Valentine’s Day treat that has no calories! ❤

9 Today is National Pizza Day! Make your own pizza for a fraction of the cost of delivery with ready-made pizza shells and sauce.  Tomato sauce is rich in lycopene, an antixoidant which is good for your heart. ❤

10 Make chocolate-covered strawberries! It’s easy. Wash and dry strawberries well. Mix a cup (8 oz) of chocolate or white chocolate chips with 1 Tbsp of Crisco. Microwave for 30 seconds, stir and microwave again for 15 to 30 seconds. Dip berries and let dry on waxed paper or parchment paper. The only hitch is that they really are only good the same day. 

11 Rose quartz is a light pink semi-precious crystal that is associated with romantic love, friendship, platonic love and self-love. Make a rose quartz bracelet and carry that good energy around with you. You can find rose quartz beads and .5mm StretchMagic at craft stores. Or set a rose quartz crystal on your desk or night table.

12 Do you know what’s trendy right now? The 90s! Here’s a Valentine’s Day ❤ episode of The Nanny featuring Fran Drescher to make you smile 🙂

13 Show yourself some self-love today and move your body to this 30 minute Zumba Valentine’s Day workout.

14 Happy Valentine’s Day! Try saying some self-love affirmations in the mirror today — it’s a powerful exercise in self-love and acceptance! Here are some ideas.

15 Are you getting enough morning sunlight? It’s important for your immune system and for health-restoring rest at night. Today, commit to daily, brief sessions of sunlight before 9 a.m. Watch this video about its importance to your health.

16  Here is a Rose Yoga workout from Adriene to keep you limber this month. 💗

17 Rosy red grapefruit is in season and eating it daily can lower your LDL cholesterol by 20% and help block fat absorption. Jarred grapefruit is nutrient-rich and convenient. Add segments to a leafy green salad.

18 Complete a crossword puzzle for brain health. 

19 Self-care while you sleep? Sure! A satin pillowcase helps reduce skin creasing and “bed head” hair and can help you sleep more peacefully.

20 Take 10 minutes to strengthen your core with this Fabulous 50s workout.

21 Bubble baths are the ultimate in self-care. Take a pampering bath or shower with affordable, rose-scented Suave Aloe and Rosewater moisturizing bodywash.

22 There are many ways to approach intermitttent fasting but the simplest way may be not eating at night. If  you skip meals and snacks between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. the next day, that gives your digestion system 14 hours off. This may help with weight loss and stave off diabetes.

23 Here is a 10-minute leg workout from Fabulous 50s.

24 Strengthen your connection with your closest loved ones by focusing more on what they do and say right then what they do wrong. If you think you might be overly critical, try keeping an index card in your pocket and making a tally mark every time you say something negative, complain or criticize for a day or two. It can help you be more mindful about your words. 

25  Do you use positive self-talk? Learn how to shift the negative statements you make about yourself into more effective and positive ones. The free Woebot app is good for busting cognitive distortions and other downers. You’ve got this! 💗 

26 Fans of rose quartz face rolling say it drains lymphatic system, reduces eye circles and minimizes fine lines, while relaxing tension.

27 Try this rosy color breakfast of plain yogurt with fresh raspberries and a drizzle of honey. Raspberries are low-glycemic so they do not raise your blood sugar as quickly as some other fruits and the protein will keep  you satiated through lunch time.

28 Today is International Hygge Day! That is the Danish term for an important part of their culture that is truly the ultimate form of cozy self-care. Hygge can get you through the last cold days of winter. It can involve

  • Quality time with your friends and family (or if alone, a pet or soft blanket)
  • Maintaining healthy work/life balance
  • Mindfulness
  • Less of an emphasis on “things”
  • Deplugging from social media and TV
  • Soft lighting: string lights, candles and fireplaces
  • Warm, fuzzy socks and soft, oversized knit sweaters
  • Snuggling with cushy throw blankets, sofas and pillows
  • Comfort foods and oversized mugs of steaming tea, coffee or hot chocolate
  • Having a leisurely coffee break or  brunch
  • Favorite books, crafts, knitting, etc.
