Strawberries: the perfect self-love food

Around Valentine’s day, one thing you will see a lot of, in addition to chocolate, are strawberries. This sweet, red, heart-shaped fruit is the perfect embodiment of love. As long as you are not allergic and you like them, eating strawberries would be a healthy and delicious act of self-care.

Health benefits

Did you know that strawberries are a member of the rose family? Strawberries are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. The nutrients in strawberries have proven beneficial against heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and in wound healing. A cup of sliced strawberries is about 50 calories and provides 170 percent of your daily recommended amount of vitamin C as well as manganese and fiber, while being low-carb and a low glycemic fruit. 

Image credit: Promising health benefits of the strawberry

  • Strawberries dipped or drizzled with dark chocolate are enhanced with more antioxidants and polyphenols from the chocolate.
  • Add mashed strawberries to iced green tea for a nutritional powerhouse of a drink.
  • Fresh strawberries and full fat yogurt are perfect together. 
  • Strawberry leaf and wild strawberry leaf is said to help with arthritis and digestive problems. It is sold as an herbal tea and a nutritional supplement.
  • Mashed strawberries applied to the skin can help relieve the pain of sunburn.
  • Mashed strawberries and strawberry skin products can brighten and exfoliate skin, reduce puffiness and reduce the signs of aging.
  • Strawberries may be good for your hair. Here is a DIY strawberry hair mask.

Legend and culture

  • Because of its heart shape and color, the strawberry was associated with Venus, the goddess of love.
  • In medieval art, the strawberry was associated with perfection, purity and righteousness and the Virgin Mary.
  • In Bavarian region of Germany, people believed elves loved strawberries. In the spring, they tied strawberries to the horns of their pastured livestock so that the elves would help them bear more milk. 
  • Strawberries and cream are a traditional treat sold at the Wimbledon tennis tournaments.
  • Strawberry jam is Americans’ favorite flavor of jam.
  • Some people believe if you share a double strawberry with someone, you will fall in love.

