31 Days of Immunity-Boosting Self-Care in March

Temperatures are warming up…daffodils are blooming…Spring is around the corner! Time to take care of yourself! This month, I am proposing several immunity-boosting self-care activities. The spring renewal month of March is a great opportunity to re-dedicate effort to self-care.

Here’s a printable March self-care tracker.

Do the activities in any order you choose and color in  a shamrock for each one you complete. The simple act of coloring them in is really motivating! I find the more I do, the better I feel.

1 Celebrate Mardi Gras!  Celebrating stress-free special days like Mardi Gras, which is all about having fun, boosts your immune system. Pleasurable events and activities can keep boosting your immune system 2 days after the event, according to a SUNY study.  Check out my recipe blog for this delicious Mardi Gras salad recipe. You can make an easy King Cake by placing refrigerated cinnamon roll dough in a ring, and baking and icing per directions, and sprinkling on some bands of colored sugar – purple for justice, green for peace and gold for royalty.

2. The New Moon is a time to set intentions for the upcoming days of the lunar cycle. What do you hope to achieve in the next weeks? Set aside some time today to meditate in a quiet and sacred space, perhaps with a green aventurine (or any green stone) for growth and abundance and a white candle for hope. Use the inspired, guided meditation from Alina below, if you like.

3 Today, list 3 reasons why you feel lucky. Acts of gratitude boost your immune system and sense of well-being.

4 Combine 2 teaspoons of sage (fresh or dried) with 4 cups of boiling water in a bowl, drape a towel over your head and safely lean over for  5 minutes for glowing skin (Women’s World, Feburary 28, 2022).

5 Explore ways to socialize routinely with others, either in-person or online. Taking steps to prevent social isolation is one of the best ways to keep healthy and prevent memory loss as you grow older. A great way to do this is to find people who share one of your interests and to get together with them on a regular basis, e.g., weekly. Explore online groups, Facebook groups, Meetup groups, classes, gym workouts, church groups, meditation groups, family get-togethers and volunteer work.

6 Relax in a sea kelp bath. The minerals in seaweed and sea kelp have been a self-care bath remedy for the Irish. There are many brands on the market but Mr. Teal’s Deep Marine Sea Kelp bath gel and bath salts are highly reviewed and cost less than $5 at Walgreens. And it is Pisces season, after all!

7 Meditating regularly has been show to strengthen your immune system. Here is a guided meditation.

8 Prepare a rainbow meal for lunch or dinner to get the antioxidants you need for a healthy immune system. Aim for five different colors of fruits or vegetables of the rainbow — red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo or violet.

9 Here is a beginning-level Irish Yoga session with an Irish instructor for the month of March.

10 Mail St. Patrick’s Day greeting cards to connect with your loved ones. Not a holiday you celebrate? Send cheerful cards to just say hello.

11 Restore the health of your hair with this DIY avocado hair mask: mash 1 avocado with 2 tablespoons of oil oil, apply to damp hair from roots to ends. Rinse after 20 minutes. (First Magazine, February 14, 2022).

12 Read for at least 20 minutes to boost your brain power and feel less lonely. The trick is to read fiction or a biography — reading nonfiction will still help your brain but it may not make you feel less connected, according to a study.

13  Get some extra rest today as you adjust to the new schedule of daylight savings time to prevent accidents.

14 The affirmation of the month focuses on success, luck and prosperity.

15 Have a cup of Irish Breakfast tea and lower your blood pressure. Black tea, green tea and oolong tea contain compounds that relax blood vessels. Black tea also contains flavonoids which can reduce plaque in your arteries, reducing stress on your heart.

16 Strolling outside or just 15 minutes can improve your immunity to diseases and improve your health. For a change, try walking a labryinth — there are many public sites where you can try this walking form of meditation.

17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, so wear green!

18 Massage your feet and legs with minty lotion to relieve fatigue.

19  Let’s Laugh Day is a special recognition day that was created by Laffy Taffy (the candy features jokes on the wrappers).  According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter can rev up your immune system, relieve stress and pain, and, of course, make you happier! Find something to make you laugh today. Here’s a scene from the Irish comedy, Derry Girls.

20 Happy First Day of Spring! Today is also the International Day of Happiness. That works out well, because our bodies produce more serotonin in the spring and summer, causing us to be happier! Today, come up with a spring bucket list of things you’ll do to be happy between now and June 20.

21 Visualization is a positive mindset practice that has been shown to increase your health and lifespan. It simply involves imagining succeeding at any challenge before you perform it. For example, if you are bowling, visualize the ball going straight and knocking down the pins. Try visualization while driving, exercising or performing every day tasks.

22 Try this 15-minute walking workout today.

23 Today is National Chia Seed Day! Chia seeds are a superfood that is rich in nutrients and fiber. Try adding a tablespoon to yogurt, water, juice or other foods.

24 While you are spring cleaning, donate unwanted clothes and household items to Goodwill or other good cause thrift store.

25 This green tea hair rinse clears up dandruff. Steep 2 bags of green tea in 2 cups of hot water and let cool. Pour tea on scalp and let sit for 10 minutes before rinsing.

26 Today is Self-Confidence Day! Here are 4 easy ways to quickly boost your self-confidence:

  • Sit up and stand up straight.
  • Carry a tiger eye stone or other lucky charm.
  • Smile at yourself in the mirror and say “I’m ready!” out loud.
  • Make a list of ten things you are great at.

27  Elevate your feet and relax tonight and watch the Academy Awards. Watching a little TV  now and then can reduce stress and be good for your health if the content is light and you go to bed at a reasonable hour.

28 Start your day with oatmeal. Beta glucan fiber stimulates the body to produce white blood cells which fight infections and strengthen your immune system. The richest sources of this beneficial fiber is oatmeal and barley.

29 Gargling with salt water (use sea salt) after you brush soothes ouchy gums and helps prevent respiratory illnesses. Try flossing before you brush for best gum health.

30 Get stronger with this strength training workout.

31 Take stock of your good deeds on the last day of the month. Looking back at your planner, (you do use a planner, right?) 🙂  write down all the good things you did for others this month for a super boost of self-esteem and give yourself a pat on the back!
