30 days of refreshing self-care in April

Welcome to the refreshing self-care month of April! The self-care theme of April is renewal. Spring is  perfect time for fresh starts, including re-dedicating ourselves to fun and healthy habits that restore our physical, mental and spiritual energy.  These habits include

  • Eating healthfully and mindfully.
  • Hydrating throughout the day.
  • Exercise.
  • Getting good quality sleep.
  • Working out your brain.
  • Setting aside time for spirtual and emotional fulfillment.
  • Healthy boundaries in relationships, situations and with  yourself.
  • And having fun!

Feel free to do these activities in any order you choose…and alter them for your needs. You can also squeeze more than one self-care activity in one day or repeat your favorites.. I often find myself playing catch-up at the end of the month. The more self-care activities I complete, the happier and more effective I feel.

Is self-care at work a challenge for you?

If so, then take on last April’s on-the-job self-care challenge instead.

Hint: The chart technique really works! The simple key is really the printable self-care challenge chart. When you print the chart and put it somewhere you will see it everyday, such as in your bathroom, kitchen or over your desk, you will be reminded to take small steps toward your best quality of life. Most of these activities take less than a half hour to do. I find that coloring in the chart is motivating. Download the free PDF here  April 2022 Self Care Challenge

April 2022 Self-Care Challenge Grid

1 Today is the New Moon, a time for new beginnings. Reflecting on the theme of renewal, what areas of your life could use a refresh over the next two weeks? Get ready for spring with this ten-minute April New Moon mediation.

2  Check out your walking or athletic shoes…are they in good shape? If not, invest in a new, well-fitting pair for spring walks and exercise. Today is also World Autism Day and Ramadan.

3 Refresh your mattress and pillows for more healthful sleep. I encase both with dust mite proof-covers but if you don’t, be sure to vacuum your mattress well and replace those pillows at least once a year. And don’t forget to turn your mattress for even wear.

4  Today, speak this self-forgiveness affirmation out loud and make room in your spirit for new beginnings. Letting go of pain isn’t easy. If you are struggling with this, guidance can be found in the Woman’s World article “6 ways to Get Over Past Hurts, Forgive and Rediscover Inner Peace”

5  Add two tablespoons of high-fiber chia seeds (138 calories) to this pineapple mango smoothie to lower your blood sugar and cholesterol. This non-dairy version is super-easy to make. Just blend ripe mango, ice cubes and a couple splashes of pineapple juice. Add water or yogurt if you like.

6 Today is National Walking Day and here is a video buddy to walk you through a walking workout.

7 Today is World Health Day, and if you’re like me, you’ve probably postponed a few wellness exams. Pick up your planner and schedule those screenings, dental checkups and eye doctor appointments for the upcoming weeks.

8 Play ball! The Minor League Baseball season opens this week (some teams, today). If you are avoiding crowds because of Covid, you can stil get in the spirit by watching a classic baseball movie, like The Sandlot, which is free to watch on YouTube. And laughter is excellent self-care!

9  Being outside in green spaces is good for your brain and mood. Visit a botanic garden or other garden today and walk outdoors. You’ll feel energized . Oh, and Today, is also Unicorn Day!

10 A big reason why people feel tired is because they are dehydrated but don’t know it. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day, and add hydration-boosters, such as a pinch of sea salt, chia seeds, lemon or cucumber to every few glasses. Blessed Palm Sunday to those who celebrate.

11  For Mindfulness Monday, here is a Morning Fresh yoga workout from Adriene.

12 The Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces occurring today is a cosmic event that only happens every 160 years! Venus and Mars will also be in Pisces. This is an excellent time to tune into and trust your intuition as you work to become your best self.

13 Warmer weather means shorter sleeves! Firm and strengthen your arms with this workout.

14 Today is National Gardening Day. Gardening is not only good exercise, it is also good for your brain, thanks to healthy probiotics in the soil that boost your focus and memory.

15 Energizing self-care isn’t just limited to exercise. Red grapefruit gently exfoliates dead skin cells and makes skin appear brighter, plus, it smells great. It’s a cinch to make your own healthy and inexpensive skin treatment with red grapefruit. Blessed Good Friday and Passover to those who celebrate.

16 Tonight’s full moon in harmony-loving Libra is called the Pink Moon. This moon has high significance for people of Islamic, Jewish and Christian faiths and many North American Indian cultures. But powerful full moons can leave you feel a little drained. Rejuvenate your energy today with a pink smoothie of vitamin-rich strawberries, cherries, cranberries, dragon fruit and banana. You can make this drink for less than $2 with the Walmart brand of red smoothie (it looks and drinks pink!) which you can find in the frozen fruit section. It’s delicious blended with water and ice. Add a dollop of yogurt, if you like.

17 Take some time to relax (so you’ll feel energetic, later!) by putting  your feet up and reading a novel or short story for a half hour. And for those of you who celebrate it, Happy Easter! It is traditional to wear something new today.

18 Today is Tax Day. Does doing your taxes make you feel tense or stressed? Have you tried EFT tapping? It seems too good to be true but experts say this self-care technique really works. Follow the link in the video description to download the free app on your phone for tapping on-the-go. Cycle through these points on your body for about ten minutes: 1. Karate chop part of hand 2. Eyebrow 3. Side of eye 4. Under eye 5. Under nose 6. Chin 7. Collarbone 8. Under arm 9. Top of head. Today is also Adult Autism Awareness Day.

19  Eating just four prunes a day (preferably at night) has been shown to strengthen bones, plus prunes are full of fiber.

20 It’s Workout Wednesday so here is an energizing Pilates workout to start your day. It’s also National Banana Day — maybe have a banana after your workout!

21  Today is National Tea Day. And it is also Queen Elizabeth’s birthday! Whether you meet in-person or virtually, pause and have some tea with a friend.  I recommend I Love Lemon Tea, a refreshing herbal tea that contains both lemon peel and lemon grass; the scent of both are proven to dispel the blues. To me, it tastes like spring! It is also World Creativity Day!

22 Today is Earth Day. Cleanse and refresh your aura by taking a walk in the rain (the ions in the air are energizing and helps mental focus). Not raining today? Remember, you can do these activities on any day you choose this month.

23 Today is National Picnic Day – and one of the best things about a spring picnic is that is it usually too early for mosquitos! I like this Victoria Magazine article that provides tips and a recipe for simple, al fresco spring snack picnic of lemonade, cookies and grapes. I always pack a baguette and some Camembert or Brie cheese! Some garden picnic spots around the DC area include Bon Air Rose Garden in Arlington, Hillwood Estate in DC, the Bishop’s Garden at Washington National Cathedral and Lady Bird Johnson Park in Alexandria.

24  Energize your feet with this foot stretch as you wake up. You’ll need a towel.

25 Happy Crystal Day! The crystal I have selected for this month is orange calcite, a pretty crystal with a soft orange hue that is reputed to have the properties to motivate and uplift you, as well as inspire your creativity. Meditate with a tumbled stone or wear a bracelet. This bracelet can be purchased on Etsy.

26 Today is Get Organized Day.  You know how you weed a garden so plants can grow? Well, it’s time to weed your closet! Rid yourself of worn-out, just-not-right-anymore clothing! Did you know that 32% of American women have 25 or more pairs of shoes? Purge your wardrobe of jewelry, purses, shoes and accessories you never use and worn out undergarments and socks. When you’re done, it will be far easier to dress in a way that makes you feel and look good everyday.

27  Here is a standing abs workout that you can do in about seven minutes for Workout Wednesday.

28  It is near the end of the month and a good time to take stock and be thankful. Make a list of what you are grateful about this month – special times, lessons learned, growth.

29 You knew coffee perked you up but did you know coffee can also help your skin look better? Here are ways some ways to use coffee and coffee grounds as beauty treatments.

30 New Moon is a Black Moon. Partial solar eclipse.  Today is a cosmically powerful day and coincidentally, it also happens to be Honesty Day. There’s no better time than now to be authentically you and leave behind patterns that do not align with your best self while opening yourself up to the possible. The cycle of death and rebirth into something glorious is what spring is all about. Embrace it in your own special way. If you find yourself a little stuck or uninspired, try a little alternate rebellion to refresh your perspective.

Please know that I am not affiliated with nor do I receive any money by linking to external websites in my blog posts. So, why do I write this blog? Well, because self-care is an interest area and daily goal for me, so I am sharing what I do, just in case it helps others. However, please know I am not an expert on the topics presented here. The information on BestLifeWorkshop is free to use for individual, personal use but please do not duplicate or otherwise distribute my self-care challenges, workbook or blog posts online or to groups without my permission (links to my content are just fine!) Thank you.
