31 Days of Novel Self-Care in July

Happy July! Welcome to another self-care challenge. Self-care is a healthy practice that results in improved emotional and physical health, as well as increased interpersonal effectiveness and spiritual wellbeing. International Self-Care Day is this month on July 24 – but here at Best Life workshop, everyday is self-care day!

Download the free Self-Care Challenge printable: July Self Care Challenge 2022  The theme this month is about embracing mood-boosting novelty in your self-care. Trying new things helps alleviate boredom and is good for your cognition. Read on for self-care suggestions for every day of the month. As usual, feel free to complete the challenges in any order you choose.

Photo by rovenimages.com on Pexels.com

1 If you cool off in a swimming pool, did you know that you need to take care of your skin afterwards? The longer the chlorine stays on your skin and hair the more damage it does. Wet your hair in the shower before getting in the pool; it helps protect it from chlorine. Coconut oil or a swim cap can help keep your scalp and hair from being over-dried by chlorine; it’s also good for dry cuticles around your nails. Use a hydrating bodywash and shower and shampoo, plus conditioner, as soon as you can, then moisturize your skin.

2 Your brain needs novelty to be healthy — and create new neural pathways. Today, explore a part of town or a nearby town you have always wanted to see.

3 Do a creative craft today. You can make a flag keychain for free at Michael’s today.

4 Happy Birthday, America! On Mindfulness Monday, reflect on what personal freedom means to you. How can you embrace freedom in your lifestyle? How can your hobbies, past-times and travel plans help you feel more free in life?

5 Summer is a great time to indulge in healthy salads. Experiment with a new combination of ingredients or salad dressing recipe. Here is one to try.

6 For Workout Wednesday, walk a mile…indoors! Here is a workout you can do in your air-conditioned home.

7 Today is Global Forgiveness Day. Letting go of past hurts is a form of self-care that renews your spirit. Who or what can you forgive today? Do you need to forgive yourself? Write a letter of forgiveness and burn it to send your intentions to the Universe.

8 Do you have any mushy blueberries? Don’t throw them out! For dry hair, First Magazine recommends mashing a 1/4 cup of blueberries with 1 Tbsp of honey. Put this mask on your hair for 20 minutes before rinsing it off.

9 Sign up for a class or workshop with your library or parks and recreation department and learn something new, like astronomy, geocaching, Tai Chi or origami.

10 Are your Sundays the same? Visit a garden, museum or historic site you have never been to before.

11 For Mindfulness Monday, make a vision board, Pinterest board or bucket list of places you would like to visit or hobbies you would like to try.

12 Dine at a restaurant you have never been to before. Bonus points for trying a new dish or cuisine!

13 For Workout Wednesday, work on your abs using this standing abs workout with dumbbell weights.

14  Embrace discomfort…sounds a little off? Actually, researchers found that when study participants looked at discomfort or awkwardness as positive signs of taking healthy risks, they were more motivated and successful, especially when trying new things or tackling unfamiliar situations. Think of it as an indicator of personal growth!

15  Do  you have any too-ripe bananas? Don’t trash them, put them on your head! First Magazine recommends mashing 1 cup of banana with 3/4 cup of sugar to rub on your scalp for one minute to stave off dandruff.

16 Grab a blanket or folding chair and listen to a free outdoor concert in your community.

17 Try rearranging your furniture in a room or switching around paintings, photos or knick-knacks in your home. These small changes keep your brain alert and healthy.

18 Meditation is a form of mindfulness. Take some time to meditate today. If you find it difficult to focus, try a guided meditation. Here is one with a summer them.

19 It’s Tasty Tuesday! Shop for a vegetable or fruit you have never tried before, perhaps a Dragon Fruit or bok choy.

20 For Workout Wednesday, burn fat with a ten-minute HITT workout beginners can do.

21  Expressing appreciation is a form of self-care that makes you feel good about yourself. Aunt and Uncle Day is on July 26, so today would be a good day to send a card to your relatives and tell them how much you care about them.

22 Avocadoes going brown? Use them for conditioner! First Magazine recommends mashing half an avocado with 1 tsp of olive oil. Apply to damp hair for ten minutes to moisturize frizzy hair.

23 Do you need more excitement in your life? Do something exciting you enjoy. Visit a county fair, carnival or amusement park and go on a safe-for-you ride, or go down a water slide. Bet on a horse race (live) or watch a baseball game in person.

24  Happy International Self-Care Day! Find some time to relax and do one of your favorite healthy self-care activities, such as reading for 20 minutes for brain health.

25  For Mindfulness Monday, let’s say an affirmation about our travel and hobby goals, such as “My interests, hobbies and adventures help me live my life to the fullest.”  As you focus on this intention, try holding a Moonstone, the “Traveler’s Stone.”

26 Explore an ethnic food market or international section of your grocery store and take home some new foods, herbs, spices or teas to try.

27 For Workout Wednesday, try this balance-enhancing Pilates workout. I have never tried Pilates so this will be new for me! (Most of the YouTube workouts I post are targeted to older women, but I believe the beginning level and pacing can help beginners of any age or gender accomplish the moves).

28 Gratitude is a form of self-care. Today, make a gratitude list for the month of July. What were you grateful for this month? What new things did you try? Write it in your planner or gratitude journal.

29 Put out a blanket and stargaze tonight. The Delta Aquarid meteor showers will be a their peak. 

30 Build in the element of surprise during routine days. For example, write down tasks and draw one out of bowl to do. Close your eyes and wear what you hand touches in your closet. Listen to music on shuffle or that Alexa picks out for you.

31 Play an outdoor summer game – badminton, horseshoes, mini golf, croquet, frisbee golf, volleyball, etc.

Tip: I use many YouTube videos in the self-care challenges. I encourage you to consider investing in YouTube Premium so that your workouts and meditation sessions are not interrupted by advertisements. I love it!
