The Self-Care of Hygge

February 28 is International Hygge Day! Hygge (prounounced: hyoo-guh) is the Danish term for an important part of their culture that prioritizes the value of cozy, restorative self-care. Much about the hygge lifestyle involves maintaining a healthy work/life balance, creating close bonds with friends and family members and incorporating mindfulness in everyday activities.  Hygge can get you through the last cold days of winter, but it’s a lifestyle that can be part of your year-round routines. It can involve

  • Spending quality time with your friends, pets and family at home and in the outdoors in a happy, positive and calm way. Going out for coffee or brunch. Enjoying concerts, street fairs and other community events.
  • Making home-cooked meals and baked items from scratch.
  • Creating a cozy, well-organized home. Adding touches like handcrafted items, string lights, candles and plants. Fireplaces.
  • Unplugging from social media, the news and TV. Embracing simplicity and turning away from consumerism.
  • Wearing warm, thick socks and soft, over-sized knit sweaters.
  • Snuggling with cushy throw blankets, sofas and pillows.
  • Enjoying comfort foods, such as over-sized mugs of steaming tea, coffee or hot chocolate and coffee cake.
  • Reading, writing letters, crafting, knitting, DIY, hobbies. 
