
How to Make Friends on a Cruise

It’s Plan a Vacation Week, so maybe you are considering going on a cruise sometime this year. Well, that’s a great idea, because travel is an important form of self-care. And another form of self-care is social interaction — it challenges your brain, reinforces your values and sense of self and is good for your overall well being.

In everyday life, I’m practically a recluse. But something about being on a cruise makes me want to meet and talk to other people. Not everyone feels that way, of course. Some people who go on cruises really just want to interact with their traveling partner or group most of the time.

It’s normal to feel shy around people you don’t know well.  But plenty of cruise passengers are open to friendly chats. You may even make a life-long friend! Here are some ways you can make friends on a cruise, at least for the cruise’s duration. Continue reading “How to Make Friends on a Cruise”

Finding a cruise that is actually relaxing

It’s Plan a Vacation Week! Do you have dreams of taking a cruise? Of course, a cruise can be relaxing and fun. But, let’s be honest. Some cruises are not. Some cruises bring too much drama and trauma! You’ll hear people say, they’ll never take cruise again, because their experience was a real let-down.  Well, that doesn’t have to be you. Read on for tips on picking a cruise that is just right for you. Continue reading “Finding a cruise that is actually relaxing”

Enjoying Your Best Life on a Cruise, Affordably

It’s Plan a Vacation Week…and my question for you is: have you tried a cruise? As you know, travel and enjoying novel experiences is good for your brain and is a form of self-care. But…it costs money, too. If you plan it right, cruises can be an affordable and rewarding vacation.

Sea hair, don’t care!

This article is for you if you like the idea of relaxing and fun cruising, but not so much the  partying and boozing and spending tons of money! Read on for tips on how to find a cruise that fits your style and budget. Continue reading “Enjoying Your Best Life on a Cruise, Affordably”

March: 31 Days of Lucky Self-Care

The spring renewal month of March is the perfect time to re-dedicate yourself to daily self-care. So, let’s do it!

Here’s a printable March self-care tracker you can print and download: March self care challenge 2023. There are links below for some of the activities, like workouts. Do the activities in any order you choose and color in  a shamrock for each one you complete.

1. Happy March! Since it is Workout Wednesday, start the month off right with this weights workout.

2 Most green crystals are associated with good luck, especially green aventurine. Display your crystals on your desk or in your living room.

3 Today is World Book Day. Reading for 20 minutes is good for your brain.

4 Today, you will find a St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Alexandria, VA, as well as in some other communities. Fresh air is good for you!

5 Take some time to socialize with an interest group today.

6 List 3 ways you are lucky.

7 Gaze at the full moon tonight. Alina Alive has ideas for making the most out of this special day.

8 Today is International Women’s Day! Take some time to learn about the life of one of your heroines and be inspired today.

9 Time for a full-body stretch on Workout Wednesday.

10 Try a scalp rinse with green tea. Lukewarm, of course! It is good for your scalp and supposedly helps prevent excessive hair loss.

11 Sort out your spring wardrobe. Donate anything that doesn’t work for you anymore and organize your closet.

12 On Daylight Savings Time Day, get some extra rest, perhaps take a short nap after you you set your clocks one hour ahead. This truly is a time to ramp up your self-care because this adjustment has shown to have several negative health effects, as well as increasing the likelihood of car accidents. You can help your inner clock adjust by increasing the sunlight you get and gradually changing the time you get up and go to sleep before the 12th.

13 Time to say the affirmation of the month!

14 Try a new sheet pan recipe today.

15 Try this Irish yoga workout that is gentle and easy for beginners.

16 Schedule a routine health exam today, such as an annual physical, mammogram, dental cleaning, eye exam or colonoscopy.

17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Be sure to wear green today so you don’t get pinched!

18 Attend a class or workshop in your community. Check, and your local library for free or low-cost workshops, book clubs, crafts classes and presentations to attend. Learning new things is good for your brain and mood.

19 It’s almost spring. Time to make your spring bucket list. There are lots of good ideas on Pinterest. Here’s an example.

20 Try a mindful Spring meditation.

21 Have a healthy oatmeal breakfast.

22 Today is World Water Day. Make a pitcher of “spa” water with lemons, cucumbers, watermelon or your favorite ingredient.

23 Take some time today to relax and do whatever you feel like doing.

24 Love your feet and legs by giving them a massage with lotion. If you can find minty lotion, you will love the circulation-boosting tingle!

25 Devote some time today to spring cleaning and decluttering your home, or just part of your home.

26 Today is Self-Confidence Day! Here are some easy ways to quickly boost your self-confidence:

  • Make an effort to look your best (sit up straight, wear your favorite colors, put on a fragrance you love).
  • Accomplish a small task you can begin and finish in less than an hour (a whole crossword puzzle, one load of laundry only, cleaning off your desk).
  • Do something that is good for you or helps you reach your goal (walk or exercise for 20 minutes, meditate, take deep breaths, eat some vegetables, move a little money into your savings account).
  • Fake it until you make it (carry a tiger eye stone for confidence, smile at yourself in the mirror and say “I’m ready!” out loud, imagine yourself as a great success).
  • Increase your competency (use a checklist for a day, learn or practice a skill, watch a webinar or online class, learn the meaning of new words, or work on a hobby, for example).
  • Give yourself credit for your achievements. (Make a list of ten things you are great at, write down 3 positive things you each day in your daily planner or journal, keep a binder of thank you letters you receive at work, take pictures of your projects).

27 Mindfully relax while coloring a beautiful Celtic knot. Creativity is a form of self-care!

28 Eat some green veggies today. I can eat broccoli if I put a little lemon juice or salad dressing on it 🙂

29 It’s Mermaid Day today!  Relax in a bath with a cup of sea salt – it won’t be exactly like the ocean, but it will do!

30 Today is Take A Walk in the Park Day. Enough said!

31 Celebrate your self-care journey today! Tally up your shamrocks and see how you did! (P.S.  You can squeeze a few more in today, too!) Congratulations on taking excellent care of you!

31 Days of Novel Self-Care in July

Happy July! Welcome to another self-care challenge. Self-care is a healthy practice that results in improved emotional and physical health, as well as increased interpersonal effectiveness and spiritual wellbeing. International Self-Care Day is this month on July 24 – but here at Best Life workshop, everyday is self-care day!

Download the free Self-Care Challenge printable: July Self Care Challenge 2022  The theme this month is about embracing mood-boosting novelty in your self-care. Trying new things helps alleviate boredom and is good for your cognition. Read on for self-care suggestions for every day of the month. As usual, feel free to complete the challenges in any order you choose.

Photo by on

1 If you cool off in a swimming pool, did you know that you need to take care of your skin afterwards? The longer the chlorine stays on your skin and hair the more damage it does. Wet your hair in the shower before getting in the pool; it helps protect it from chlorine. Coconut oil or a swim cap can help keep your scalp and hair from being over-dried by chlorine; it’s also good for dry cuticles around your nails. Use a hydrating bodywash and shower and shampoo, plus conditioner, as soon as you can, then moisturize your skin.

2 Your brain needs novelty to be healthy — and create new neural pathways. Today, explore a part of town or a nearby town you have always wanted to see.

3 Do a creative craft today. You can make a flag keychain for free at Michael’s today.

4 Happy Birthday, America! On Mindfulness Monday, reflect on what personal freedom means to you. How can you embrace freedom in your lifestyle? How can your hobbies, past-times and travel plans help you feel more free in life?

5 Summer is a great time to indulge in healthy salads. Experiment with a new combination of ingredients or salad dressing recipe. Here is one to try.

6 For Workout Wednesday, walk a mile…indoors! Here is a workout you can do in your air-conditioned home.

7 Today is Global Forgiveness Day. Letting go of past hurts is a form of self-care that renews your spirit. Who or what can you forgive today? Do you need to forgive yourself? Write a letter of forgiveness and burn it to send your intentions to the Universe.

8 Do you have any mushy blueberries? Don’t throw them out! For dry hair, First Magazine recommends mashing a 1/4 cup of blueberries with 1 Tbsp of honey. Put this mask on your hair for 20 minutes before rinsing it off.

9 Sign up for a class or workshop with your library or parks and recreation department and learn something new, like astronomy, geocaching, Tai Chi or origami.

10 Are your Sundays the same? Visit a garden, museum or historic site you have never been to before.

11 For Mindfulness Monday, make a vision board, Pinterest board or bucket list of places you would like to visit or hobbies you would like to try.

12 Dine at a restaurant you have never been to before. Bonus points for trying a new dish or cuisine!

13 For Workout Wednesday, work on your abs using this standing abs workout with dumbbell weights.

14  Embrace discomfort…sounds a little off? Actually, researchers found that when study participants looked at discomfort or awkwardness as positive signs of taking healthy risks, they were more motivated and successful, especially when trying new things or tackling unfamiliar situations. Think of it as an indicator of personal growth!

15  Do  you have any too-ripe bananas? Don’t trash them, put them on your head! First Magazine recommends mashing 1 cup of banana with 3/4 cup of sugar to rub on your scalp for one minute to stave off dandruff.

16 Grab a blanket or folding chair and listen to a free outdoor concert in your community.

17 Try rearranging your furniture in a room or switching around paintings, photos or knick-knacks in your home. These small changes keep your brain alert and healthy.

18 Meditation is a form of mindfulness. Take some time to meditate today. If you find it difficult to focus, try a guided meditation. Here is one with a summer them.

19 It’s Tasty Tuesday! Shop for a vegetable or fruit you have never tried before, perhaps a Dragon Fruit or bok choy.

20 For Workout Wednesday, burn fat with a ten-minute HITT workout beginners can do.

21  Expressing appreciation is a form of self-care that makes you feel good about yourself. Aunt and Uncle Day is on July 26, so today would be a good day to send a card to your relatives and tell them how much you care about them.

22 Avocadoes going brown? Use them for conditioner! First Magazine recommends mashing half an avocado with 1 tsp of olive oil. Apply to damp hair for ten minutes to moisturize frizzy hair.

23 Do you need more excitement in your life? Do something exciting you enjoy. Visit a county fair, carnival or amusement park and go on a safe-for-you ride, or go down a water slide. Bet on a horse race (live) or watch a baseball game in person.

24  Happy International Self-Care Day! Find some time to relax and do one of your favorite healthy self-care activities, such as reading for 20 minutes for brain health.

25  For Mindfulness Monday, let’s say an affirmation about our travel and hobby goals, such as “My interests, hobbies and adventures help me live my life to the fullest.”  As you focus on this intention, try holding a Moonstone, the “Traveler’s Stone.”

26 Explore an ethnic food market or international section of your grocery store and take home some new foods, herbs, spices or teas to try.

27 For Workout Wednesday, try this balance-enhancing Pilates workout. I have never tried Pilates so this will be new for me! (Most of the YouTube workouts I post are targeted to older women, but I believe the beginning level and pacing can help beginners of any age or gender accomplish the moves).

28 Gratitude is a form of self-care. Today, make a gratitude list for the month of July. What were you grateful for this month? What new things did you try? Write it in your planner or gratitude journal.

29 Put out a blanket and stargaze tonight. The Delta Aquarid meteor showers will be a their peak. 

30 Build in the element of surprise during routine days. For example, write down tasks and draw one out of bowl to do. Close your eyes and wear what you hand touches in your closet. Listen to music on shuffle or that Alexa picks out for you.

31 Play an outdoor summer game – badminton, horseshoes, mini golf, croquet, frisbee golf, volleyball, etc.

Tip: I use many YouTube videos in the self-care challenges. I encourage you to consider investing in YouTube Premium so that your workouts and meditation sessions are not interrupted by advertisements. I love it!

30 Days of Beachy Self-Care in June

During the beautiful summer month of June, let’s focus on achieving our fitness goals, just as we did last June. This month, I am dedicating our self-care path to the ocean. Here are 30 self-care ideas for the 30 days of June. Track your progress with the downloadable file June 2022 Self Care Challenge

Complete the activities in any order you please. You may do more than one activity a day. The goal is to complete as many activities as you can by June 30.

Tip: Turn this blog post into a self-care package for someone you love (including yourself!) Just add some of the products below, a copy of the challenge, the coloring page and your own little touches and treats.

  1.  For Workout Wednesday, workout with weights! I found this short exercise video, set on the beach, so get out your hand weights for stronger arms.
  2.  Make a summer bucket list for yourself today. Having something to look forward to is a form of self-care. Download this summer bucket list template. 
  3. Have an ocean-themed beauty night with clean beauty products from Pacifica.
    1. Moisturize your face with an After Sun Cool & Glow facial mask. ($4.00)
    2. Hydrate your hair with a Coconut Super Power hair mask. ($3.50)
    3. Paint your toenails with “Mermaid Tail” Pacifica nail polish. ($10)
    4. Smooth on Island Vanilla Body Butter ($15).
  4. Today is National Trails Day. Take a walk on a hike or trail and enjoy the outdoors. If you’d like to hike near the beach in Virginia, state parks with trails near the Atlantic Ocean include
    • Kiptopeke State Park
    • First Landing State Park
    • and False Cape State Park.
    • And here is an Ocean_Life_Word_Search.
  5. Relax on Sunday with beachy scents that relieve stress, anxiety and depression. For mood improvement, try  Bergamot, Geranium, Jasmine, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang in essential oils, incense, candles and soaps. Some products I like…
    • Incense by Escential Essences (Sandalwood).
    • Soaps and candles by Bath and Body Works  (Bergamot Blue Waters; Fiji White Sands) .
    • Sprouts “South of France” soap with organic shea butter (Blooming Jasmine).
  6. For Mindfulness Monday, let’s try a fitness visualization.
    1. Close your eyes and imagine yourself completing a simple workout, walk, swim or other form of exercise from beginning to end.
    2. Imagine enjoying feelings of satisfaction, relief from stress, vitality or whatever feeling you choose.
    3. Then, do the exercise. Did visualizing the process first make it easier or more enjoyable for you to complete?
  7. For Tasty Tuesday, make a flavorful pineapple smoothie with a beachy vibe Save the oceans and use a paper or re-usable straw. I use my Mainstays single-serving smoothie blender daily! (It’s $12.88 at Wal-Mart).  Blend:
    1. Chunks of frozen, fresh or canned pineapple (I used canned).
    2. 6-8 frozen coconut water cubes (they will be a little mushy)
    3. Additional pineapple juice from can, water or coconut water.
    4. Squeeze of lime juice and/or lime zest.
    5. Pinch of ground ginger or 1/4 tsp. fresh minced ginger.
    6. If desired, add 1/2 cup of yogurt.
  8. Today is World Oceans Day. Do your part to keep the ocean clean by commititng to reducing your usage of single-use plastics. Here are 14 other things you can do to save the oceans and marine wildlife. Good works are good self-care!
  9. Turn your shower into a sensory experience with Suave Ocean Breeze body wash (with sea kelp, about $2) and Pacifica Sea Foam facial wash ($5 for the mini).  But skip using a loofah in the shower.
  10. Today is National Iced Tea Day! I like the Tazo Iced Tea concentrate. The packaging takes up less space because it is concentrated (you add your own water) and it is sold in an UHF package, instead of a plastic bottle. That is better for the ocean.
  11. Today is Make Life Beautiful Day. Find a beautiful place to be today that restores your soul. Some ideas…
    • Browse fruit, vegetables and flowers at your farmer’s market.
    • Take a walk on the beach
    • Peruse the flowers at your grocery store or garden center.
    • Spend some time at your local art museum or art gallery.
  12. Sunday is a great day to relax and be creative. Download, print and color a beachy picture from Crayola.
  13. For Mindfulness Monday, let’s state a self-validating affirmation. Positive self-talk is a form of self-care. Look in the mirror and the say an affirmation out loud today. Saying “I take care of the miracle that is my body” is empowering!
  14. Today is the Strawberry Full Moon and it is a Super Moon! Moon gazing is a form of mindful self-care. Enjoy some Vitamin-C packed strawberries today.
  15. For Workout Wednesday, let’s work on our core strength. A strong core can help you avoid back pain. Here are three core exercises most people can perform to strengthen their core muscles.
      Try planks, too!
  16. Thursdays are a good day for gratitude. Today, write down 10 things you are grateful for about the miracle that is your body. Then read them out loud. Handwriting and reading out loud is good for your brain and memory. Of course, gratitude is a form of self care. Here is a gratitude template you can download and print: Floral 10-item Gratitude List
  17. Today is Eat Your Vegetables Day. Even incorporating some plant-based meals in your diet is healthful. Researchers have found that a whole foods, plant-based diet is the most healthful way to
    • Lose weight.
    • Lower blood pressure.
    • Stabilize blood sugar.
    • Lower risk of dementia.
    • Reduce your risk of stroke.
    • Have a healthy heart.
  18. Today is National Picnic Day!  If you can find a rose garden, they should be in bloom in June. My local favorite is Bon Air Rose Garden in Arlington, Virginia.
  19. If the weather is nice, buy a ticket and go for a tour boat ride! Relax and let your thoughts drift on the water.
  20. For Mindfulness Monday, mindfully wash fish or other aquatic life swim.
    • Visit an aquarium.
    • Check out your local pond or creek.
    • Watch koi fish at a garden center or outdoor foundtain.
    • Watch “My Octopus Teacher” on Netflix.
    • Play a soothing aquatic ambient video from YouTube.
  21. Happy First Day of Summer! Today is also the International Day of Yoga. Here is a  yoga workout from Adriene by the sea.

  22. It’s time to get your heart-rate up for Workout Wednesday! If your body is not swimsuit-ready yet, try this 30-minute HITT workout with low-impact and high-impact options, from Fabulous 50s…
  23. Today is National Hydration Day.  When you think of hydration, you probably think of water. But milk, orange juice and tea can be more hydrating than water. The best time to drink water is before or with a meal. Water hydrates more effectively when taken with food. Add a little juice to your post-exercise water  or enjoy a cup of afternoon tea.
  24. Relax with a mermaid movie, like Aquaman, The King’s Daughter or Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid. Snack on dark chocolate with sea salt or seaweed-wrapped veggie sushi.
  25. Take a relaxing “ocean” bath with 1/4 cup of sea salt. A box of natural sea salt at the grocery store is about $3; add a few drops of essential oil, if you wish. Sea salt is rich in minerals and sea salt baths can improve circulation and relieve arthritis and certain skin conditions
  26. Today is Forgiveness Day. Maybe this is a good day to forgive yourself if you haven’t been exercising the way you wish.  It’s always a good time for a fresh start.
  27. Today is National Sunglasses Day! Did  you know that wearing sunglasses protects your eye health? Choose sunglasses marked UV 400 or 100% protection from UV and UVB. For boating or the beach, choose a polarized pair. It is also National Pineapple Day 🙂
  28. Tonight is the New Moon. It is an opportune time to set intentions. The crystal of the month is Aquamarine, also known as the “Mermaid Stone.” Sailors in antiquity carried this lovely stone to protect them from rough seas. Consider holding an aquamarine while you meditate.
  29. Let’s work on our abs for Workout Wednesday. This is a short work-out from Fabulous 50s…and it’s on the beach, too. Do it with me!
  30. Today is Beach Day. Can’t make it to the beach? Here is a guided meditation with a beach walk theme that is the next best thing.

This post is dedicated to the memory of my  💙 Aunt Beverly 💙 who loved the beach and the ocean. She was vaccinated but became infected with Covid, and she died last month. Please wear a mask in public indoor settings and crowded outdoor settings. It’s a small act of caring that makes a big difference, especially for medically vulnerable populations. 


31 Days of Rejuvenating Self-Care in May

Welcome to the lovely spring month of May! The theme this month is rejuvenating self-care to improve your wellbeing.  Try the self-care challenge this month with me!  Print and download the free self-care tracker and do the activities in any order you choose.*

Download: May 2022 self care challenge

1  Today is National Lemonade Day! Hydrate with less sugar by making your own — fresh-squeezed lemonade will energize you.

2  Today is officially Melanoma Monday. Here is a video from the American Academy of Dermatology that shows you how to check your skin for early signs of skin cancer.

3 Today is Garden Meditation Day. Find a flowery spot and relax….

4  It’s Workout Wednesday! Since it’s almost Mother’s Day, here is a 30 minute strengthening and cardio workout video you can do with (or without) your Mom that is beginner level and does not require equipment…

5 May is a month to be grateful for people in our lives (starting with Mom!) and people who have sacrificed (Memorial Day). Today, make a gratitude list of people you are thankful for in your life.

6 Today, plan a trip or adventure. Taking trips rejuvenates neural pathways in your brain and planning something enjoyable lifts your spirits.

7 When was the last time you walked barefoot? Mindfully walking barefoot on grass, sand or dirt for 20 minutes is a form of “grounding” your energy that can boost your immune system and lower cortisol, the stress hormone. Try it on a nice day!

8 Happy Mother’s Day! If you are a mom, reflect on all you have accomplished and be proud! Perhaps, you could journal about that. Otherwise, honor the woman or women who have nurtured you.

9  Say an affirmation out loud to rejuvenate your confidence. Hold an emerald, the crystal of the month, if you like. Unlike the pricier gems, tumbled and raw emeralds are inexpensive. Emeralds, the birthstone for the spring month of May, symbolize rejuvenation.

10  Make a plant-based meal of pasta prima vera with fresh spring veggies for lunch or dinner.

11 Here is a 30-minute workout that includes 5000 steps! Can it be true? Try it on Workout Wednesday.

12 According to the Farmer’s Almanac, today and tomorrow are considered to be good days to have your hair cut! Rejuvenate your look with a new style.

13 Here is a template from Project Me that can help you plan a fun and productive weekend. Download the template: Design-My-Weekend-2020.

14  Today is National Mini Golf Day!  See you on the green!

15  It is true that if you relax every day, you will live longer. Get a double brain-healthy benefit by relaxing with a book or magazine you enjoy for no less than 20 minutes a day.

16 Today is National Hug a Tree Day! According to Woman’s World, touching a tree’s bark slows down your heart rate, instantly relaxing you and sitting beneath a tree for just ten minutes will boost your energy (based on scientific studies). And, who knows, maybe that tree will appreciate the hug! 🙂 Spending time in nature also lowers your blood pressure and rejuvenates your immunity and wellbeing.

17  Make a raspberry smoothie today. Add yogurt, if you like. I use this single-serve blender nearly every morning and it is less than $15! 

18 Rejuvenate your energy with this “spring clean” Yoga class

19  Someone in your life deserves a thank you note. Maybe they aren’t around anymore but you can still write to them (and not send the letter). Gratitude is a form of self-care.

20 Did you know that castor oil is a rejuvenating beauty tool? It is good for dry lips, moisturizing skin (mix with olive oil) and de-puffing eye bags. Some people say it can help lengthen your lashes — wipe it along the lash line with a cotton swab. According to Women’s World, it can also help you soften callouses on your heels. Smooth on the dry skin, put on some socks, and buff and rinse off the dead skin and oil in the morning for rejuvenated, sandal-ready skin.

21 Today is Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day! Since it is also Saturday, why  not visit a farmer’s market? Here is a list of produce in season.

22 Time to relax! Soak in the tub or take a rest with  your feet and listen to some spring-inspired classical music.

23  For Mindfulness Monday, here is a free flower mandala adult coloring page from Crayola you can download, print and color.

24 Order take-out for dinner, but make it a plant-based meal.

25 It’s the last Workout Wednesday of May! Here is a low-impact HITT workout for beginners. (If you need the video to slow down, you can reduce the speed of the video by clicking on the “gear” button on YouTube).

26 Commit today to rejuvenating your inner life by following a high vibration life-style. First, eliminate or reduce low-vibration thoughts and activities from your daily life, such as complaining, judging, blaming and resentment, using profanity, frequently getting into fights or arguments, watching the news too much, watching violent TV shows or movies and playing violent video games. Next, raise your vibration by lessening your exposure to toxic situations and people and letting go of past hurts and disappointiments. Now that you have cleared away low vibrations, you have room for positive ones!  Adopt healthy habits such as meditating, yoga, gratitude, nature walks and creativity — basically, self-care! If you want to try one small step, just try not complaining or grumbling for a whole day. Then see how you feel! Lighter, right?

27 Today is National Sunscreen Day! Buy yourself a fresh bottle of sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher. But don’t leave it in the car or the sun because the heat will break down the ingredients. You need about 1 oz of sunscreen (the amount in a shot glass) to cover your body at the pool or beach. A regular size bottle of sunscreen has about 4 oz. of product. You could put a plastic shot glass in your beach bag or pool bag!

28 I rejuvenated my kitchen on a budget and you can, too! After decluttering, I explored YouTube videos for trendy kitchen makeover ideas. My inexpensive upgrades included swapping my dish sponge for a neutral, beige color one, buying eco-friendly, colorless dishwashing liquid, “papering” my backsplash with removable paper ($12, Lowe’s), swapping my old cooking and measuring utensils for new ones in spring colors ($15, Walmart), adding a throw rug ($5, Five Below) and a drapey faux plant in a macrame holder ($15, Michael’s). I added a little lamp I already had to the kitchen counter, and voila! A kitchen that feels “new” to me.

29  Take a stroll outside, going at a leisurely to moderate pace.

30  Happy National Creativity Day! Hopefully, you have the day off for Memorial Day. Do something creative that lifts your spirits. Here is a craft that helps you get in touch with your dreams from Soul & Spirit Magazine.

31 The first of May was National Laughter Day, but funnily enough, we are celebrating it on the last day of May! Laughter is so good for you. Find something that makes you laugh today.

*If you prefer, complete last year’s May Self-Care Challenge, which focused on family relationships and self-care.

30 days of refreshing self-care in April

Welcome to the refreshing self-care month of April! The self-care theme of April is renewal. Spring is  perfect time for fresh starts, including re-dedicating ourselves to fun and healthy habits that restore our physical, mental and spiritual energy.  These habits include

  • Eating healthfully and mindfully.
  • Hydrating throughout the day.
  • Exercise.
  • Getting good quality sleep.
  • Working out your brain.
  • Setting aside time for spirtual and emotional fulfillment.
  • Healthy boundaries in relationships, situations and with  yourself.
  • And having fun!

Feel free to do these activities in any order you choose…and alter them for your needs. You can also squeeze more than one self-care activity in one day or repeat your favorites.. I often find myself playing catch-up at the end of the month. The more self-care activities I complete, the happier and more effective I feel.

Is self-care at work a challenge for you?

If so, then take on last April’s on-the-job self-care challenge instead.

Hint: The chart technique really works! The simple key is really the printable self-care challenge chart. When you print the chart and put it somewhere you will see it everyday, such as in your bathroom, kitchen or over your desk, you will be reminded to take small steps toward your best quality of life. Most of these activities take less than a half hour to do. I find that coloring in the chart is motivating. Download the free PDF here  April 2022 Self Care Challenge

April 2022 Self-Care Challenge Grid

Continue reading “30 days of refreshing self-care in April”

Spring Bucket List

Happy Spring! Here are some ideas for fun this season (March 30 – June 20)*

Celebrate the Equinox on March 20!

  • Balance an egg!
  • Read your horoscope
  • Make a crystal grid
  • Create a spring altar with flowers, decorated eggs, crystals, rabbits, candles…
  • Read the story of Persephone
  • Meditate on fresh new beginnings…

Celebrate Easter (or Passover, Ostara or other spring festival)

    • Decorate your front door with a spring wreath or Easter sign
    • Send Easter cards to loved ones
    • Watch the movie, “Easter Parade”

  • Wear a new (or new to you) dress or outfit
  • Wear an orchid corsage or floral boutonniere
  • Buy or donate Easter lilies
  • Eat Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday
  • Attend a service (online, outdoors or in-person) – Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday
  • Watch the Mass online (St. Patrick’s Cathedral – NYC, the Pope’s Mass, National Basilica, Washington National Cathedral, etc.)
  • Have an egg hunt
  • Wear an Easter-themed face mask
  • Wear new clothes on Easter Sunday
  • Prepare a beautiful Easter brunch – an easy menu idea…
    • Quiche Lorraine or Quiche Florentine
    • Caesar salad or mixed green salad
    • Fruit salad or fresh berries; fresh mint garnish
    • Crescent rolls and butter or hot cross buns
    • Bunny cake or cupcakes
    • Orange-pineapple juice, mimosas or mock mimosas (use ginger ale or seltzer instead of champagne)
    • Coffee or tea

Rejoice in glorious flowers

  • Take a hike to see wildflowers in bloom
  • Take a stroll in a formal garden or botanic garden
  • Create a floral arrangement or put a vase of fresh flowers in your home
  • Visit an area that has cherry blossom trees
  • Purchase a container pot or hanging basket of flowers
  • Learn how to identify wildflowers with a nature field guide
  • Take pictures of spring flower gardens
  • Sip floral herbal teas
  • Sketch or color tulips, daffodils and hyacinths
  • Learn the meaning of flowers
  • Bring some forsythia or pussy willow branches indoors
  • Gather a few blossoms and press them

Get in touch with Nature

  • Walk in a park on March 30
  • Listen to spring peepers
  • Learn how to identify trees and birds with a nature field guide
  • Go camping before the mosquitos come out
  • Take a walk in the rain
  • Grow a garden or a container garden
  • Star-gaze/moon-gaze

Listen to Spring-themed classical music

  • Vivaldi – Spring
  • Mendelssohn – Spring Song
  • Johann Strauss II – Voices of Spring
  • Tchaikovsky – March and April

Springtime Places to Go

Just for fun…

  • Fly a kite
  • Play catch, Whiffle ball or Frisbee
  • Paint and hide rocks
  • Walk barefoot in the grass
  • Blow bubbles
  • Spring or Easter trivia
  • Paint a picture outdoors
  • Spring-themed scavenger hunt
  • Watch all the movies nominated for Best Picture Oscars

Around the home…

  • Spring clean your space
  • Put away winter clothes and take out your warm weather clothes
  • Declutter and give away unneeded items
  • Have a yard sale
  • Energetically cleanse space with crystals or sage
  • Clean outdoor furniture, deck, patio or balcony and decorate with new spring pillow, hanging flowers or colorful touches

Taste the flavors of Spring…

  • Eat fresh spring produce – berries, asparagus, artichokes, new potatoes, carrots, spring onions, chives, parsley and other herb
  • Steam fresh asparagus and serve with hollandaise sauce
  • Make lemonade, limeade and aqua frescas with watermelon or cantaloupe
  • Cook pasta prima vera
  • Drink floral herbal teas: chamomile, rose hips, lavender, hibiscus, etc.
  • Bake blueberry muffins
  • Add meatless protein to meals: green peas, oats, tofu, lentils, chick peas, eggs and cottage cheese
  • Make “bunny salad”
  • Make smoothies with fruit, yogurt, ice, cinnamon and honey
  • Have a picnic tea with cucumber sandwiches, madeleines and strawberries

Spring Self-Care

  • Wear spring colors
  • Get a hair cut; maybe a new look!
  • Take daily walks outdoors
  • Go to sleep earlier (as the birds will wake you up earlier!)
  • Open the windows
  • Exercise or do yoga outside
  • Clean up litter from an outoor space or park
  • Wear a face mask in public, indoor spaces
  • If pollen affects you, take allergy medication and wipe your skin and hair with a damp cloth after spending time outdoors; change clothing and shoes

Celebrate Recognition Days

  • March 20 – Spring Equinox, Ostara, Intl. Happiness Day and Astrology Day
  • March 21 – World Down Syndrome Day
  • March 25 – Intl. Waffle Day
  • March 26 – Solitude Day
  • March 27 – Academy Awards
  • March 30 – Take a Walk in a Park Day
  • April 1 – New Moon
  • April 2 – World Autism Day
  • April 4 – Intl. Carrot Day
  • April 5 and 8 – Minor League Baseball Opening Day
  • April 6 – Nat. Walking Day
  • April 9 – Nat. Unicorn Day; DC Cherry Blossom Parade
  • April 10 – Palm Sunday
  • April 14 – Nat. Gardening Day
  • April 15 – Passover; Good Friday
  • April 16 – Full Moon; Nat. Eggs Benedict Day
  • April 17 – Easter
  • April 18 – Adult Autism Awareness Day; White House Easter Egg Roll
  • April 22 – Earth Day; Nat. Jellybean Day
  • April 23 – Nat. Picnic Day
  • April 29 – Arbor Day
  • April 30 – New Moon
  • May 1 – May Day, Beltane
  • May 3 – Nat. Garden Meditation Day
  • May 5 – Cinco de Mayo
  • May 7 – Kentucky Derby
  • May 8 – Mother’s Day
  • May 14 – Nat. Miniature Golf Day
  • May 15 – Total Lunar Eclipse
  • May 16 – Nat. Mimosa Day
  • May 18 – Intl. Museum Day
  • May 20 – Nat. Pick Strawberries Day
  • May 21 – Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day; Intl. Tea Day
  • May 24 – Nat. Asparagus Day; Nat. Brother’s Day
  • May 30 – Memorial Day; Nat. Creativity Day
  • June 1 – Go Barefoot Day
  • June 3 – World Bicycle Day
  • June 4 – National Trails Day
  • June 14 – Full Strawberry Moon
  • June 15 – Nature Photography Day
  • June 18 – Intl. Picnic Day
  • June 19 – Father’s Day
  • June 20 – Last Day of Spring, Midsummer Eve

*This blogger recommends you continue to take pandemic safety precautions this spring including – reducing your time in indoor public spaces or outdoor crowded spaces, social distancing and wearing a mask in these settings, and to continue to take advantage of online opportunities (watching sports events, church services, etc).

31 Days of Immunity-Boosting Self-Care in March

Temperatures are warming up…daffodils are blooming…Spring is around the corner! Time to take care of yourself! This month, I am proposing several immunity-boosting self-care activities. The spring renewal month of March is a great opportunity to re-dedicate effort to self-care.

Here’s a printable March self-care tracker.

Do the activities in any order you choose and color in  a shamrock for each one you complete. The simple act of coloring them in is really motivating! I find the more I do, the better I feel.

1 Celebrate Mardi Gras!  Celebrating stress-free special days like Mardi Gras, which is all about having fun, boosts your immune system. Pleasurable events and activities can keep boosting your immune system 2 days after the event, according to a SUNY study.  Check out my recipe blog for this delicious Mardi Gras salad recipe. You can make an easy King Cake by placing refrigerated cinnamon roll dough in a ring, and baking and icing per directions, and sprinkling on some bands of colored sugar – purple for justice, green for peace and gold for royalty.

2. The New Moon is a time to set intentions for the upcoming days of the lunar cycle. What do you hope to achieve in the next weeks? Set aside some time today to meditate in a quiet and sacred space, perhaps with a green aventurine (or any green stone) for growth and abundance and a white candle for hope. Use the inspired, guided meditation from Alina below, if you like.

3 Today, list 3 reasons why you feel lucky. Acts of gratitude boost your immune system and sense of well-being.

4 Combine 2 teaspoons of sage (fresh or dried) with 4 cups of boiling water in a bowl, drape a towel over your head and safely lean over for  5 minutes for glowing skin (Women’s World, Feburary 28, 2022).

5 Explore ways to socialize routinely with others, either in-person or online. Taking steps to prevent social isolation is one of the best ways to keep healthy and prevent memory loss as you grow older. A great way to do this is to find people who share one of your interests and to get together with them on a regular basis, e.g., weekly. Explore online groups, Facebook groups, Meetup groups, classes, gym workouts, church groups, meditation groups, family get-togethers and volunteer work.

6 Relax in a sea kelp bath. The minerals in seaweed and sea kelp have been a self-care bath remedy for the Irish. There are many brands on the market but Mr. Teal’s Deep Marine Sea Kelp bath gel and bath salts are highly reviewed and cost less than $5 at Walgreens. And it is Pisces season, after all!

7 Meditating regularly has been show to strengthen your immune system. Here is a guided meditation.

8 Prepare a rainbow meal for lunch or dinner to get the antioxidants you need for a healthy immune system. Aim for five different colors of fruits or vegetables of the rainbow — red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo or violet.

9 Here is a beginning-level Irish Yoga session with an Irish instructor for the month of March.

10 Mail St. Patrick’s Day greeting cards to connect with your loved ones. Not a holiday you celebrate? Send cheerful cards to just say hello.

11 Restore the health of your hair with this DIY avocado hair mask: mash 1 avocado with 2 tablespoons of oil oil, apply to damp hair from roots to ends. Rinse after 20 minutes. (First Magazine, February 14, 2022).

12 Read for at least 20 minutes to boost your brain power and feel less lonely. The trick is to read fiction or a biography — reading nonfiction will still help your brain but it may not make you feel less connected, according to a study.

13  Get some extra rest today as you adjust to the new schedule of daylight savings time to prevent accidents.

14 The affirmation of the month focuses on success, luck and prosperity.

15 Have a cup of Irish Breakfast tea and lower your blood pressure. Black tea, green tea and oolong tea contain compounds that relax blood vessels. Black tea also contains flavonoids which can reduce plaque in your arteries, reducing stress on your heart.

16 Strolling outside or just 15 minutes can improve your immunity to diseases and improve your health. For a change, try walking a labryinth — there are many public sites where you can try this walking form of meditation.

17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, so wear green!

18 Massage your feet and legs with minty lotion to relieve fatigue.

19  Let’s Laugh Day is a special recognition day that was created by Laffy Taffy (the candy features jokes on the wrappers).  According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter can rev up your immune system, relieve stress and pain, and, of course, make you happier! Find something to make you laugh today. Here’s a scene from the Irish comedy, Derry Girls.

20 Happy First Day of Spring! Today is also the International Day of Happiness. That works out well, because our bodies produce more serotonin in the spring and summer, causing us to be happier! Today, come up with a spring bucket list of things you’ll do to be happy between now and June 20.

21 Visualization is a positive mindset practice that has been shown to increase your health and lifespan. It simply involves imagining succeeding at any challenge before you perform it. For example, if you are bowling, visualize the ball going straight and knocking down the pins. Try visualization while driving, exercising or performing every day tasks.

22 Try this 15-minute walking workout today.

23 Today is National Chia Seed Day! Chia seeds are a superfood that is rich in nutrients and fiber. Try adding a tablespoon to yogurt, water, juice or other foods.

24 While you are spring cleaning, donate unwanted clothes and household items to Goodwill or other good cause thrift store.

25 This green tea hair rinse clears up dandruff. Steep 2 bags of green tea in 2 cups of hot water and let cool. Pour tea on scalp and let sit for 10 minutes before rinsing.

26 Today is Self-Confidence Day! Here are 4 easy ways to quickly boost your self-confidence:

  • Sit up and stand up straight.
  • Carry a tiger eye stone or other lucky charm.
  • Smile at yourself in the mirror and say “I’m ready!” out loud.
  • Make a list of ten things you are great at.

27  Elevate your feet and relax tonight and watch the Academy Awards. Watching a little TV  now and then can reduce stress and be good for your health if the content is light and you go to bed at a reasonable hour.

28 Start your day with oatmeal. Beta glucan fiber stimulates the body to produce white blood cells which fight infections and strengthen your immune system. The richest sources of this beneficial fiber is oatmeal and barley.

29 Gargling with salt water (use sea salt) after you brush soothes ouchy gums and helps prevent respiratory illnesses. Try flossing before you brush for best gum health.

30 Get stronger with this strength training workout.

31 Take stock of your good deeds on the last day of the month. Looking back at your planner, (you do use a planner, right?) 🙂  write down all the good things you did for others this month for a super boost of self-esteem and give yourself a pat on the back!