31 Days of Rejuvenating Self-Care in May

Welcome to the lovely spring month of May! The theme this month is rejuvenating self-care to improve your wellbeing.  Try the self-care challenge this month with me!  Print and download the free self-care tracker and do the activities in any order you choose.*

Download: May 2022 self care challenge

1  Today is National Lemonade Day! Hydrate with less sugar by making your own — fresh-squeezed lemonade will energize you.

2  Today is officially Melanoma Monday. Here is a video from the American Academy of Dermatology that shows you how to check your skin for early signs of skin cancer.

3 Today is Garden Meditation Day. Find a flowery spot and relax….

4  It’s Workout Wednesday! Since it’s almost Mother’s Day, here is a 30 minute strengthening and cardio workout video you can do with (or without) your Mom that is beginner level and does not require equipment…

5 May is a month to be grateful for people in our lives (starting with Mom!) and people who have sacrificed (Memorial Day). Today, make a gratitude list of people you are thankful for in your life.

6 Today, plan a trip or adventure. Taking trips rejuvenates neural pathways in your brain and planning something enjoyable lifts your spirits.

7 When was the last time you walked barefoot? Mindfully walking barefoot on grass, sand or dirt for 20 minutes is a form of “grounding” your energy that can boost your immune system and lower cortisol, the stress hormone. Try it on a nice day!

8 Happy Mother’s Day! If you are a mom, reflect on all you have accomplished and be proud! Perhaps, you could journal about that. Otherwise, honor the woman or women who have nurtured you.

9  Say an affirmation out loud to rejuvenate your confidence. Hold an emerald, the crystal of the month, if you like. Unlike the pricier gems, tumbled and raw emeralds are inexpensive. Emeralds, the birthstone for the spring month of May, symbolize rejuvenation.

10  Make a plant-based meal of pasta prima vera with fresh spring veggies for lunch or dinner.

11 Here is a 30-minute workout that includes 5000 steps! Can it be true? Try it on Workout Wednesday.

12 According to the Farmer’s Almanac, today and tomorrow are considered to be good days to have your hair cut! Rejuvenate your look with a new style.

13 Here is a template from Project Me that can help you plan a fun and productive weekend. Download the template: Design-My-Weekend-2020.

14  Today is National Mini Golf Day!  See you on the green!

15  It is true that if you relax every day, you will live longer. Get a double brain-healthy benefit by relaxing with a book or magazine you enjoy for no less than 20 minutes a day.

16 Today is National Hug a Tree Day! According to Woman’s World, touching a tree’s bark slows down your heart rate, instantly relaxing you and sitting beneath a tree for just ten minutes will boost your energy (based on scientific studies). And, who knows, maybe that tree will appreciate the hug! 🙂 Spending time in nature also lowers your blood pressure and rejuvenates your immunity and wellbeing.

17  Make a raspberry smoothie today. Add yogurt, if you like. I use this single-serve blender nearly every morning and it is less than $15! 

18 Rejuvenate your energy with this “spring clean” Yoga class

19  Someone in your life deserves a thank you note. Maybe they aren’t around anymore but you can still write to them (and not send the letter). Gratitude is a form of self-care.

20 Did you know that castor oil is a rejuvenating beauty tool? It is good for dry lips, moisturizing skin (mix with olive oil) and de-puffing eye bags. Some people say it can help lengthen your lashes — wipe it along the lash line with a cotton swab. According to Women’s World, it can also help you soften callouses on your heels. Smooth on the dry skin, put on some socks, and buff and rinse off the dead skin and oil in the morning for rejuvenated, sandal-ready skin.

21 Today is Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day! Since it is also Saturday, why  not visit a farmer’s market? Here is a list of produce in season.

22 Time to relax! Soak in the tub or take a rest with  your feet and listen to some spring-inspired classical music.

23  For Mindfulness Monday, here is a free flower mandala adult coloring page from Crayola you can download, print and color.

24 Order take-out for dinner, but make it a plant-based meal.

25 It’s the last Workout Wednesday of May! Here is a low-impact HITT workout for beginners. (If you need the video to slow down, you can reduce the speed of the video by clicking on the “gear” button on YouTube).

26 Commit today to rejuvenating your inner life by following a high vibration life-style. First, eliminate or reduce low-vibration thoughts and activities from your daily life, such as complaining, judging, blaming and resentment, using profanity, frequently getting into fights or arguments, watching the news too much, watching violent TV shows or movies and playing violent video games. Next, raise your vibration by lessening your exposure to toxic situations and people and letting go of past hurts and disappointiments. Now that you have cleared away low vibrations, you have room for positive ones!  Adopt healthy habits such as meditating, yoga, gratitude, nature walks and creativity — basically, self-care! If you want to try one small step, just try not complaining or grumbling for a whole day. Then see how you feel! Lighter, right?

27 Today is National Sunscreen Day! Buy yourself a fresh bottle of sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher. But don’t leave it in the car or the sun because the heat will break down the ingredients. You need about 1 oz of sunscreen (the amount in a shot glass) to cover your body at the pool or beach. A regular size bottle of sunscreen has about 4 oz. of product. You could put a plastic shot glass in your beach bag or pool bag!

28 I rejuvenated my kitchen on a budget and you can, too! After decluttering, I explored YouTube videos for trendy kitchen makeover ideas. My inexpensive upgrades included swapping my dish sponge for a neutral, beige color one, buying eco-friendly, colorless dishwashing liquid, “papering” my backsplash with removable paper ($12, Lowe’s), swapping my old cooking and measuring utensils for new ones in spring colors ($15, Walmart), adding a throw rug ($5, Five Below) and a drapey faux plant in a macrame holder ($15, Michael’s). I added a little lamp I already had to the kitchen counter, and voila! A kitchen that feels “new” to me.

29  Take a stroll outside, going at a leisurely to moderate pace.

30  Happy National Creativity Day! Hopefully, you have the day off for Memorial Day. Do something creative that lifts your spirits. Here is a craft that helps you get in touch with your dreams from Soul & Spirit Magazine.

31 The first of May was National Laughter Day, but funnily enough, we are celebrating it on the last day of May! Laughter is so good for you. Find something that makes you laugh today.

*If you prefer, complete last year’s May Self-Care Challenge, which focused on family relationships and self-care.

Best Life Goals Workbook 2022

The 2022 Best Life Goals Workbook is now available for download. It has been updated with a section on self-care, additional notes pages and some articles about habits that have helped me.

Download here: 2022 Best Life workbook

It is for personal use, one copy per person, please. You must contact me before reproducing it for use in any other way. Please do not sell, duplicate, adapt or upload this workbook to any website or blog.

Please let me know if you use it and if you found it useful.

Happy New Year!


A Brain-Healthy Diet

After helping care for my mom who is living with dementia, I began researching ways to keep my brain healthy as long as possible.

I was also concerned about my weight which has been a problem for me since I developed hypothyroidism. I talked to a doctor about it. She said I was a candidate for bariatric surgery. I asked if she had any less drastic suggestions for weight loss and she mentioned nutritional counseling. That’s when I went home and starting reading PubMed research studies on the best ways to lose weight. It turns out that eating a whole foods, plant-based, mostly oil-free diet is just about the most effective way to lose weight. Some people have reversed plaque buildup in their arteries, metabolic syndrome and diabetes simply by making this dietary change. Shockingly, Keto was shown NOT to be a healthy diet. In fact, there are people who are dying on the Keto diet. That was news to me. Some carbs are really essential for good health.

Drinking plain ol’ water is incredibly important. Adding some lemon, cucumber or cut up berries is okay.

I also learned there were three things you should do to prevent or lessen your chances of getting dementia or Alzheimers: get enough sleep, be active and eat a brain-healthy diet. What I learned about the last factor really surprised me.

Flavonoids are compounds in foods that are good for your brain and are the foods most associated with preventing dementia. These compounds are found in fruits, vegetables and soy products. The USDA flavonoid chart lists all the foods with flavonoids. Some really stood out for having the highest concentrations. They were

  • Parsley. Who knew? Parsley is crazy good for you.
  • Beets and beet greens (rinse tops very well and eat on first day)
  • Green tea, black tea, white tea, coffee. Green tea helps people lose weight.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Radishes and radish greens (rinse tops very well and eat on first day)
  • Blackberries and blueberries. All berries, really, but especially those two.
  • Citrus.
  • Kale. And all leafy greens.
  • Celery. Especially the hearts.
  • Pecans.
  • Arugula. And all salad greeens.
  • Red Cabbage. Raw. I had no idea. I thought it was just for color. Intensely full of flavonoids, like many red and purple fruits and veggies.
  • Soy products and edamame. They have their own category of flavonoids.
  • Buckwheat. Buckwheat is in soba noodles.

But all vegetables and fruits were basically healthy. All berries have ALL six types of flavonoids. We should probably be eating some kind of berry (fresh or frozen) several times a week, in addition to leafy greens and a variety of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, as well as fresh herbs, like parsley. I was surprised to learn that artichokes were also a nutrition powerhouse.

Some vegetables and produce can be contaminated with e coli and other harmful substances. It might be a good idea to invest in a salad spinner and produce wash. A salad spinner would be invaluable for rinsing muddy radish and beet greens. The OXO salad spinner ($30, Target; Amazon) looks like a winner. A spinner winner 🙂

The MIND Diet promotes a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, beans, fresh herbs, whole grains, minimal amounts of low fat dairy, up to 7 eggs a week, nuts, olive oil, poultry and fish. It is more inclusive than the whole foods, plant-based diet, but it is still healthier than what I have been accustomed to eating.

I was shocked to learn about all the foods that may contribute to a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia. I’ve eaten cheeseburgers, macaroni and cheese and pizza most of my life. I thought deli turkey sandwiches were healthy. But no. These foods should not be a regular part of my diet (or anyone’s). If anything, they should be occasional treats (e.g., a cupcake for your birthday, maybe a fast food meal once a month, if that). Eliminate or sharply reduce from your diet:

  • Alcohol. The research on this is divided. There is research that says a glass of red wine helps prevent dementia. Other studies say alcohol in any quantity is not advisable.
  • Fast food. Microwave meals. Mixes and prepared foods.
  • Deli meats, hot dogs, sausages and bacon. The whole deli counter, including all those prepared salads and fried chicken, is basically dead to you now.
  • Any food or drink containing high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweetners.
  • Soda, including soda made with cane sugar. Sugary drinks.
  • Margarine.
  • Frosting.
  • Coffemate (and similar) coffee creamer. I did not know this but Coffee Mate is basically death on a spoon. There are healthier alternatives.
  • Bakery sweets, especially donuts. Candy, cake, pies, brownies, muffins,  cookies and ice cream. Flavored yogurt: eat the plain kind!
  • Fried anything: chips, fries, meats. I honestly don’t know if an air fryer is healthy or not. I don’t have one.
  • Crackers. I think maybe plain Triscuits would be okay, in moderation.
  • Rice cakes, bagels, croissants, baguettes (sob), etc. Not okay.
  • White flour, white rice and white pasta (and some say white potatoes).
  • Breakfast cereal is frowned on. This will be the toughest one for me to kick.
  • The jury is out on red meat. Some say eat no beef or pork at all. My doctor told me red meat is inflammatory. Other studies say grass-fed, lean beef is okay occasionally. One thing is not to microwave, burn, char or grill the meat. Very high heat creates harmful compounds. Marinating red meat before cooking is best.
  • The jury is out on dairy. Some say no dairy. Others say low-fat dairy is fine, especially yogurt and kefir and maybe some feta cheese. The MIND diet sharply reduces dairy and the whole foods, plant-based diet has basically no dairy at all.
  • Wild caught fish (salmon, tilapia, haddock, sole, trout) and seafood are good (but not ahi tuna and swordfish). Pregnant women have to be careful about some additional kinds of fish.

Basically, if you aren’t already doing so:

  • Start walking or exercising at least a half hour a day (more if you can). It’s best to exercise on an empty or mostly empty stomach (like before breakfast) because you burn more fat that way.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Start drinking green tea if you can, with caffeine. If you don’t like it, drink black tea. Coffee is okay. Flavored coffee drinks and Coffee Mate: nope!
  • Just forget about soda, sweets, candy and fast food.
  • If you have sleep apnea, get it treated. Otherwise, go to sleep about the same time every night and shoot for 8 hours of rest.
  • Massively increase the amount of raw and cooked, fresh and frozen veggies you consume. Eat leafy greens every day plus at least one other vegetable. You want to aim for 5 – 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day. A serving isn’t that much.
  • Eat the WHOLE egg (unless a doctor says no).
  • Swap out whole wheat, buckwheat for white bread and pasta.
  • Don’t eat any of the bad stuff above or make them occasional treats.

What do you think? Tell me everything you know about nutrition and heart health/brain health!

Low Dose Naltrexone for Chronic Pain

Photo by Charles Parker on Pexels.com

If there is anything that can get in the way of your living your best life, it’s chronic pain.

I have been suffering from arthritis since I was 20. I tried many different types of prescription medication, with disappointing results and intolerable side effects.

In desperation, I did a Google search and learned about low-dose naltrexone (LDN). I have been taking this for two years with very good results. In case you are suffering with similar pain and inflammation, talk to your doctor about low dose naltrexone.

One doctor opined that the pain-relieving properties of LDN were nearly or as good as opioids but without the addictive side effects.

Here is a video from a rheumatologist who explains how LDN works:

Conditions Treatable with Low Dose Naltrexone

Naltrexone is a drug that is typically used to treat people with addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling and food. It works by controlling impulses to certain behaviors. However, some doctors and researchers have found that, in very low doses, it has been helpful for treating some patients with pain and inflammation associated with

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Sciatica
  • Herniated disc
  • Lower limb neuropathy
  • Dental pain
  • Some skin disorders
  • Some cancers (appearing to shrink tumors)
  • Depression
  • Autism

I would say that all sounds too good to be true if I had not had positive results myself. There are abundant studies and clinical trials to support at least exploratory trials of this inexpensive medication.

So, if it’s so great, why aren’t doctors prescribing it more often?

Low dose naltrexone has not been approved by the FDA for off-label use for pain and inflammation. However, there are many, many citations in reputable medical journals about its usage. It has been combined with Bupropion into the very expensive prescription, Contrave, for curbing the cravings associated with weight gain. Doctors have been prescribing it off-label for more than a decade. I have convinced my doctors to prescribe it when I have shown them the studies (see Sources). Naltrexone is a medication that is very inexpensive, available generically and that has relatively few side effects. A bottle costs about $30. However, at the low dosage administration, you can get 10 times or more as much medication out of the bottle. That treatment is 10 cents or less a day. Think about what typical pain management costs. It may be that major clinical trials do not support the examination of existing, safe and inexpensive medications.

Low Dosage is Key

Naltrexone comes in 50 mg tablets but to benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties, you must take a low dose: between 1 mg. and 5 mg. The drug is not effective for this purpose at higher doses.

It may initially seem strange that a medication can have an opposite effect when given at a low dosage. However, there is a strong precedent for this concept—and with opioid-related drugs in particular. A paradoxical hyperalgesic effect of low-dose morphine was first widely reported in 1987 []. Morphine was administered via the IV route to rats after arthritis was induced using Freund’s adjuvant. A dose of 100 μg/kg produced clear analgesia, 50 μg/kg produced less significant analgesia, and 30 μg/kg showed no difference from saline. At around 10 μg/kg, however, the researchers saw the development of morphine hyperalgesia, which became most pronounced at 6 μg/kg. This finding, which has been replicated several times (e.g., []), suggests that there is a small window at which opioid analgesics produce the opposite effects than those typically expected. The dosage of morphine that appears to cause paradoxical hyperalgesia is approximately 1/10th of the dosage typically used to produce analgesia. We note that the dosage of naltrexone that is used to reduce pain is also approximately 1/10th of the dosage used for substance abuse treatment.

— The Use of Low Dosage Naltrexone, Journal of Clinical Rheumatology

How to Compound Low Dosage Naltrexone at Home

It is very difficult to chop up the tablets that small. I have tried. An easier way is to compound the medication. A compounding pharmacy can do this for you but you can also do it yourself. Crush 10 tablets into a fine powder. You can do this on a plate, using a glass and a spoon to crush and pulverize the tablets. You will end up with 500 mg of powdered Naltexone. Mix this powder into 500 ml (about 16.9 oz) of distilled water in a sealable container. Store it in the refrigerator. To take the medicine, you will need an eye-dropper. Ask your doctor what dosage is right 1 ml, 2 ml, 3 ml, 4 ml or 5 ml. It tastes bitter so dropping the tiny amount of compounded medicine into some orange juice (juice with pulp helps with the grit) may make it more palatable to take.

Reputable Sources:

Here is some information you may wish to share with your doctor.

Celebrate Every Day in May

May is a beautiful and meaningful month. There are so many ways to celebrate important people in your life and now that pandemic restrictions are lifting, it’s a great excuse to get together, safely on days like Mother’s Day, the International Day of Families, Brother’s Day and other special days. Be sure you check out tomorrow’s Self-Care monthly challenge, too! Here are some of the days you may want to celebrate in May.

  1. Today is May Day. The Freer Gallery of Art is hosting a virtual celebration. Young people used to dance around the festooned May Pole back in the day. Yes, it was a pagan fertility rite, not sure we knew that in school! If you can’t find a pole…you can dance around a tree! Wiccans celebrate this day as Beltane. It is also World Laughter Day, National Fitness Day and National Therapeutic Massage Day. And well, it is also Herb Day. The Kentucky Derby is today.
  2. International Harry Potter Day. 
  3. Melanoma Monday. National Paranormal Day.
  4. Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you! 🙂 It is also Teacher Appreciation Day. 
  5. The Eta Aquarids Meteor showers are prominent tonight and tomorrow. It is also Cinco de Mayo. 
  6. Today is the National Day of Prayer. We also honor Nurses Day.
  7. National Provider Appreciation Day (childcare, elder care, personal attendants, etc.) It is also Space Day.
  8. Today is Train Day, Miniature Golf Day and World Belly Dance Day. It is also World Red Cross Day. Which is funny, because I love the first three and I used to work at the Red Cross. Wow!
  9. Happy Mother’s Day! I’m the best mom EVER so this is essentially my day. 
  10. Today is National Clean Your Room Day. Because that is what Mom would want.
  11. New Moon. Micro Moon. It’s very wee in the sky.
  12. Today is International Nurses Day. I can think of a few good reasons to honor them! It is also Mindfulness Day.
  13. Apple Pie Day. Eid al-Fitr.
  14. Look out for cicadas! It is also Buttermilk Biscuit Day and Dance Like a Chicken Day.
  15. International Day of Families. Preakness race. Astronomy Day. 
  16. Stepmother’s Day. Your day is not on Mother’s Day, okay, just saying! Have a mimosa, step moms, since it is also National Mimosa Day.
  17. Love a Tree Day, National Classic Movie Day.
  18. Pack Rat Day (Hoarding Awareness Week begins)
  19. International Museum Day
  20. Josephine Baker Day
  21. World Meditation Day. UN International Tea Day. Talk Like Yoda Day (it is).
  22. King Dominion opens.
  23. World Turtle Day.
  24. Brother’s Day. Tiara Day. 
  25. Geek Pride Day. Also National Wine Day!
  26. Flower Moon (Super Moon). Also a Blood Moon and partial lunar eclipse. World Dracula Day. No connection to the Blood Moon…AS IF.
  27. Virginia Celebrate Transporation Day
  28. National Sunscreen Day and National Road Trip Day and National Hamburger Day. I think they go together rather well!
  29. Oh, joy. Mercury goes retrograde. But it’s International Jazz Day so just put on some Ella or Billie and chill. It’ll be all right.
  30. Indy 500 is today
  31. Memorial Day is today.  We remember and honor the fallen and departed; thank you for your service.

28 Days of Loving Self-Care in February

There are so many days to celebrate in February. You can easily turn them into self-care days because February is all about the love! This month, I’ve incorporated a rose theme into many of the suggested activities. Download the self-care tracker below and do them all! February self care challenge.docx

1 Today is Dark Chocolate Day. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, which help strengthen your immune system. But you don’t want to eat it in large amounts. So, for Mindfulness Monday, savor a small amount of dark chocolate, mindfully and slowly. Mindful activities like doing one thing completely are good for your mind and body.

2 Tart cherry juice is rich in melatonin. Choose this for your evening drink instead of wine and you will sleep better. Melatonin is helpful in It also reduces inflammation and can help painful joints. It also has shown to be a protective factor against the corona virus.

3 Today is Workout Wednesday. I decided to employ a rose theme for self-care this month. Here is a “Rose Yoga” workout to try.

4 One nice thing about the pandemic is the ability to work from home. You may  not have to look professional every day and you can have some fun. How about a tattoo – a temporary one? For the Valentine month of February, here are some pretty rose tattoos. They are only $1.50. Where will you wear one? Wearing temporary tattoos can be a form of positive rebellion — helping you step out of your patterns in a safe way while avoiding destructive life choices.

5  Today is Wear Red Day for Women’s Heart Health. It’s an easy way to raise awareness of an important health issue. Contribution is a form of self-care because it makes you feel good about yourself.

6 In the UK, there is a social movement on this day called Time To Talk. It involves having conversations to support each other and lessen the stigmas of mental illness, like depression and anxiety. On this day, they encourage people to ask each other “How are you?”…twice. And then listening to the answer. Sounds like a good idea to try!

7 Today is Send a Card to a Friend Day. And Valentine’s Day is in a week. After you pick out your cards, pick up some of the new “LOVE” stamps from the post office. Sending greeting cards is a safe way of connecting wth loved ones and friends that don’t live in your household. During the pandemic, connection is more important than ever.

8 It’s Mindfulness Monday, again! Here  is a Valentine mandala you can print and color. Coloring mandalas is a creative way to relax and manage stress. 

9 Today is National Pizza Day! You can make your own pizza for a fraction of the cost of delivery and it can be a fun family activity. I like Mary’s personal pizza size crusts (3 to a pack). Any canned sauce can be pizza sauce with the addition of a little oregano and some garlic powder. Tomato sauce is rich in Lycopene, an antixoidant which is good for your heart.

10 It’s Workout Wednesday! Last week was yoga and this week is strengthening with weights. Here is a Valentine workout with free weights to try.

11 Make it a thankful Thursday and list 11 things you are grateful to have in your life today.

12 Do you miss mani-pedis? I know I do. Brighten your toenails with some rose pink or red nail polish.

13 Today is Galentine’s Day. It’s a made-up holiday from the TV show, Parks and Recreation. It’s a day for women to affectionately celebrate their female friends. On a good year, you might decide to go out for chocolate fondue or a wine tasting. But this is not a good year, unfortunately. So, why not get together, virtually, for a watch party? I’m watching the star-studded movie, Valentine’s Day. It is $3 to rent on YouTube. Here’s the trailer…

14 Happy Valentine’s Day! Chocolate and roses are nice but a French breakfast is my idea of romantic. Did you know you can order a contact-free Sunday brunch? La Madeleine offers omelettes, Quiche Loraine, croissants, cappucino and even $5 Mimosas to go!

15  Today is a Federal holiday so some of you will have the day off. Take advantage of your time to relax on Mindfulness Monday with soothing essential oils. Essential oils need to be diluted in carrier oil before you can apply them to your skin. I like essential oils that are already diluted and packaged in a convenient roll-on. I have the lavender scented “Chill Pill” Aura Cacia one in my self-care kit. But Aura Cacia also makes a rose oil roll-on. Rose oil helps you relax and is good for your skin. They are sold in grocery stores and online.

16 Today is Mardi Gras! I like to make a Creole/Cajun dinner for Mardi Gras. I also came up with a respectable non-alcoholic Hurricane! Here are my gumbo, salad, bananas foster and hurricane  recipes for Mardi Gras — add a King Cake, some beads and Preservation Jazz Hall tunes and you have a celebration worthy of the Big Easy.

17 It’s Wednesday and you know what that means! Time to work out. This is an oldie but a goodie. If you have not worked out in a while, you should not find this toning workout too difficult or too fast.

18 Do you have a self-care kit? It’s easy to make. All you need is a small box (I use a plastic “school” box) and some inexpensive items that help you relax when you’re feeling anxious, stressed or down. My self-care box has an Aura Cacia lavender essential oil roll-on, a Whole Foods organic peppermint lip balm (I dot it on my wrists — the smell of peppermint helps relieve depression), a Tangle fidget, a hackey sack to squeeze, some hard candy and a lollipop, an essential oil mini pillow spray, a trial size Jergens rose body butter lotion, some crystals and a booklet I made from a mini photo album of things to do when I feel stressed or blue. It has been a real help during the pandemic. What would you put in your kit?

19 Would you like to wake up looking refreshed? A satin pillowcase can help. Less costly than a silk pillowcase, a satin pillowcase helps reduce skin creasing and “bed head” hair. Some people sleep more soundly on one. 

20 Rose quartz is a light pink semi-precious crystal that is associated with romantic love, friendship, platonic love and self-love. Make a rose quartz bracelet and carry that good energy around with you. All you need is a strand of beads ($2 to $10, Michael’s craft stores or Joann’s Fabrics), some .5mm Stretch Magic and jewelry glue (Wal-Mart) or E6000 to hold your square knot secure. Not into bracelets? Buy a rose quartz stone for your pocket, desk or night table. Small ones start at about a dollar from crystal shops.

21 Bubble baths are the ultimate in self-care. Last month, I shared some of the health benefits. Relax in a rose-scented bath with this affordable trial size of rose and peony scent body wash from Method ($2, Target). This would make a nice addition to a self-care kit for yourself or to gift to a friend. Other brands with rosy scents include Dove, Olay and St. Ives.

22 Mindfulness Monday is here again. Has the pandemic or other stressors caused you to be more anxious than usual? I know that is true for me. Here is a guided meditation.


23 Rose hip and hibiscus tea is a scarlet red herbal blend that is full of flavor and rich in vitamin C and other nutrients. In addition to being good for your immune system, rose hips can help alleviate arthritis and hibiscus can lower your blood pressure. Look for these ingredients in Celestial Seasons Red Zinger tea, Twinings Holiday Berry and many other varieties sold on Amazon.

24 Did you know that trying new dance routines is good for your brain? This is one of the best bellydancing videos I have tried. The instructor patiently and slowly goes through each movement so you can perfect your form, while remaining safe. Bellydancing uses muscles we don’t activate everyday but these moves can strengthen your arms and core. I don’t recommend certain bellydancing “exercise” videos (Leilah Isaac is a big “no”) because they go TOO quickly and pay less attention to form. The result, especially for a novice, could be injury.  Another excellent video/instruction book set was published by Barnes and Noble by Carolena Nericcio. You can find it second-hand on Amazon.

25 Cold, winter air and forced air heat leads to dry skin. I tried this rose-scented lotion and really liked it. You may be able to find the trial size for your self-care kit: Jergens Body Butter Rose. 

26 Proponents of rose quartz face rolling say it drains lymphatic system, reduces eye circles and minimizes fine lines, while relaxing tension and decreasing stress. Some people chill them in the refrigerator. You can find YouTube videos that demonstrate how to use them. The least expensive rose quartz face roller I have found was $5 at Five Below, making this an affordable, feel-good splurge.

27 One of my favorite, low-carb breakfasts has the colors of Valentine’s Day. It’s just plain, whole milk yogurt, topped with fresh raspberries and a drizzle of honey (if desired). It is so satisfying, it will keep you full until lunch-time. Raspberries are low-glycemic so they do not raise your blood sugar as quickly as some other fruits. This also makes a good smoothie!

28 Today is International Hygge Day! That is the Danish term for an important part of their culture that is truly the ultimate form of cozy, gentle, relaxed-pace self-care. Hygge can get you through the last cold days of winter. It characteristically involves

  • Quality time with your friends and family (or if alone, a pet or soft blanket)
  • Maintaining healthy work/life balance
  • Mindfulness
  • Less of an emphasis on “things”
  • Deplugging from social media and TV
  • Soft lighting: string lights, candles and fireplaces
  • Warm, fuzzy socks and soft, oversized knit sweaters
  • Snuggling with cushy throw blankets, sofas and pillows
  • Comfort foods and oversized mugs of steaming tea, coffee or hot chocolate
  • Having a leisurely coffee break or  brunch 
  • Favorite books, crafts, knitting, etc.