The Self-Care of Hygge

February 28 is International Hygge Day! Hygge (prounounced: hyoo-guh) is the Danish term for an important part of their culture that prioritizes the value of cozy, restorative self-care. Much about the hygge lifestyle involves maintaining a healthy work/life balance, creating close bonds with friends and family members and incorporating mindfulness in everyday activities.  Hygge can get you through the last cold days of winter, but it’s a lifestyle that can be part of your year-round routines. It can involve

  • Spending quality time with your friends, pets and family at home and in the outdoors in a happy, positive and calm way. Going out for coffee or brunch. Enjoying concerts, street fairs and other community events.
  • Making home-cooked meals and baked items from scratch.
  • Creating a cozy, well-organized home. Adding touches like handcrafted items, string lights, candles and plants. Fireplaces.
  • Unplugging from social media, the news and TV. Embracing simplicity and turning away from consumerism.
  • Wearing warm, thick socks and soft, over-sized knit sweaters.
  • Snuggling with cushy throw blankets, sofas and pillows.
  • Enjoying comfort foods, such as over-sized mugs of steaming tea, coffee or hot chocolate and coffee cake.
  • Reading, writing letters, crafting, knitting, DIY, hobbies. 

31 Days of Immunity-Boosting Self-Care in March

Temperatures are warming up…daffodils are blooming…Spring is around the corner! Time to take care of yourself! This month, I am proposing several immunity-boosting self-care activities. The spring renewal month of March is a great opportunity to re-dedicate effort to self-care.

Here’s a printable March self-care tracker.

Do the activities in any order you choose and color in  a shamrock for each one you complete. The simple act of coloring them in is really motivating! I find the more I do, the better I feel.

1 Celebrate Mardi Gras!  Celebrating stress-free special days like Mardi Gras, which is all about having fun, boosts your immune system. Pleasurable events and activities can keep boosting your immune system 2 days after the event, according to a SUNY study.  Check out my recipe blog for this delicious Mardi Gras salad recipe. You can make an easy King Cake by placing refrigerated cinnamon roll dough in a ring, and baking and icing per directions, and sprinkling on some bands of colored sugar – purple for justice, green for peace and gold for royalty.

2. The New Moon is a time to set intentions for the upcoming days of the lunar cycle. What do you hope to achieve in the next weeks? Set aside some time today to meditate in a quiet and sacred space, perhaps with a green aventurine (or any green stone) for growth and abundance and a white candle for hope. Use the inspired, guided meditation from Alina below, if you like.

3 Today, list 3 reasons why you feel lucky. Acts of gratitude boost your immune system and sense of well-being.

4 Combine 2 teaspoons of sage (fresh or dried) with 4 cups of boiling water in a bowl, drape a towel over your head and safely lean over for  5 minutes for glowing skin (Women’s World, Feburary 28, 2022).

5 Explore ways to socialize routinely with others, either in-person or online. Taking steps to prevent social isolation is one of the best ways to keep healthy and prevent memory loss as you grow older. A great way to do this is to find people who share one of your interests and to get together with them on a regular basis, e.g., weekly. Explore online groups, Facebook groups, Meetup groups, classes, gym workouts, church groups, meditation groups, family get-togethers and volunteer work.

6 Relax in a sea kelp bath. The minerals in seaweed and sea kelp have been a self-care bath remedy for the Irish. There are many brands on the market but Mr. Teal’s Deep Marine Sea Kelp bath gel and bath salts are highly reviewed and cost less than $5 at Walgreens. And it is Pisces season, after all!

7 Meditating regularly has been show to strengthen your immune system. Here is a guided meditation.

8 Prepare a rainbow meal for lunch or dinner to get the antioxidants you need for a healthy immune system. Aim for five different colors of fruits or vegetables of the rainbow — red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo or violet.

9 Here is a beginning-level Irish Yoga session with an Irish instructor for the month of March.

10 Mail St. Patrick’s Day greeting cards to connect with your loved ones. Not a holiday you celebrate? Send cheerful cards to just say hello.

11 Restore the health of your hair with this DIY avocado hair mask: mash 1 avocado with 2 tablespoons of oil oil, apply to damp hair from roots to ends. Rinse after 20 minutes. (First Magazine, February 14, 2022).

12 Read for at least 20 minutes to boost your brain power and feel less lonely. The trick is to read fiction or a biography — reading nonfiction will still help your brain but it may not make you feel less connected, according to a study.

13  Get some extra rest today as you adjust to the new schedule of daylight savings time to prevent accidents.

14 The affirmation of the month focuses on success, luck and prosperity.

15 Have a cup of Irish Breakfast tea and lower your blood pressure. Black tea, green tea and oolong tea contain compounds that relax blood vessels. Black tea also contains flavonoids which can reduce plaque in your arteries, reducing stress on your heart.

16 Strolling outside or just 15 minutes can improve your immunity to diseases and improve your health. For a change, try walking a labryinth — there are many public sites where you can try this walking form of meditation.

17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, so wear green!

18 Massage your feet and legs with minty lotion to relieve fatigue.

19  Let’s Laugh Day is a special recognition day that was created by Laffy Taffy (the candy features jokes on the wrappers).  According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter can rev up your immune system, relieve stress and pain, and, of course, make you happier! Find something to make you laugh today. Here’s a scene from the Irish comedy, Derry Girls.

20 Happy First Day of Spring! Today is also the International Day of Happiness. That works out well, because our bodies produce more serotonin in the spring and summer, causing us to be happier! Today, come up with a spring bucket list of things you’ll do to be happy between now and June 20.

21 Visualization is a positive mindset practice that has been shown to increase your health and lifespan. It simply involves imagining succeeding at any challenge before you perform it. For example, if you are bowling, visualize the ball going straight and knocking down the pins. Try visualization while driving, exercising or performing every day tasks.

22 Try this 15-minute walking workout today.

23 Today is National Chia Seed Day! Chia seeds are a superfood that is rich in nutrients and fiber. Try adding a tablespoon to yogurt, water, juice or other foods.

24 While you are spring cleaning, donate unwanted clothes and household items to Goodwill or other good cause thrift store.

25 This green tea hair rinse clears up dandruff. Steep 2 bags of green tea in 2 cups of hot water and let cool. Pour tea on scalp and let sit for 10 minutes before rinsing.

26 Today is Self-Confidence Day! Here are 4 easy ways to quickly boost your self-confidence:

  • Sit up and stand up straight.
  • Carry a tiger eye stone or other lucky charm.
  • Smile at yourself in the mirror and say “I’m ready!” out loud.
  • Make a list of ten things you are great at.

27  Elevate your feet and relax tonight and watch the Academy Awards. Watching a little TV  now and then can reduce stress and be good for your health if the content is light and you go to bed at a reasonable hour.

28 Start your day with oatmeal. Beta glucan fiber stimulates the body to produce white blood cells which fight infections and strengthen your immune system. The richest sources of this beneficial fiber is oatmeal and barley.

29 Gargling with salt water (use sea salt) after you brush soothes ouchy gums and helps prevent respiratory illnesses. Try flossing before you brush for best gum health.

30 Get stronger with this strength training workout.

31 Take stock of your good deeds on the last day of the month. Looking back at your planner, (you do use a planner, right?) 🙂  write down all the good things you did for others this month for a super boost of self-esteem and give yourself a pat on the back!

31 Days of Fulfilling Self-Care in July

This July, we focus on the self-care themes of personal interests, hobbies and adventures. Setting aside time to develop your interests, participate in your favorite activities and travel is a form of self-care. All of these activities help keep your brain healthy and foster a sense of identity and emotional well-being.

Download the July Self-Care Tracker (.pdf): July Self Care Challenge

The order is suggested, only. You can do the activities in any order you choose and you can do more than one a day. Try to do as many as you can (alter them, if you wish!) and color in a lot of suns on your printable tracker! Self-care is a healthy habit that takes time to develop but if your experience is like mine, doing these monthly self-care challenges will change the way you approach your personal self-care. That results in all kinds of good benefits, including improved mental, emotional, cognitve and physical health and spiritual wellbeing.

As usual, the self-care days of the week are typically grouped around themes:

  • Mondays – Mindfulness activities “Mindfulness Monday”
  • Tuesdays – Healthy foods and drinks “Tasty Tuesday”
  • Wednesdays- Workouts “Workout Wednesday”
  • Thursdays – Gratitude and contributions “Thankful Thursday”
  • Fridays – Beauty and relaxing
  • Saturday – Fun and adventures  “Social Saturday”
  • Sundays – Relaxing “Self-Care Sunday”
  1. Say an affirmation about your dedication to hobbies and travel. Suggested: “My interests, hobbies and adventures help me live my life to the fullest.” Try it while holding a Moonstone, the “Traveler’s Stone.”
  2. Are you feet and legs summer-ready? Take some time today to pamper your feet and legs with a bootie-style foot peel (Target, Wal-Mart), peppermint foot and leg lotion, or a foot scrub. Finish with moisturizing, self-tanning lotion, if desired. Today is also World UFO Day!
  3. We were separated from friends and family for so long during the pandemic. Travel and reconnect today. It is also Plastic Bag Free Day, a good reminder to choose reusable shopping bags. Can’t visit family? Celebrate Drop a Painted Rock Day — you paint a rock with a cheerful design or uplifting message, then you place it mindfully somewhere someone will find it (e.g., near somewhere people walk). It’s fun!
  4. Happy Birthday, America! Celebrate the 4th by wearing red, white and blue and enjoying traditional BBQ/picnic fare and fireworks!
  5. Are you a workaholic? Well, you might be interested to know that this National Workaholics Day. Bring more balance and inner peace back into your life with this soothing summer guided meditation.
  6. Make iced tea — but try making it with green tea! It’s delicious even without sugar and it can help you lose weight. Today is also National Kissing Day, so plant a smack on someone you love 🙂
  7. Try this beginner yoga workout if, like me, you are new to yoga
    . It is also Chocolate Day — choose one rich in cacao for heart-healthy antioxidants.
  8. Do you dream about traveling but never make plans to go anywhere? Make an inspirational vision board of places you would like to visit (or one place), using travel-themed stickers from the craft store and travel brochure images, to inspire your planning process and turn your dreams into reality!
  9. Tonight is the New Moon. It is an excellent time to meditate and set your intentions for the month until the Full Moon on the 24th.
  10. Take a camping trip or set up a tent in the backyard and sleep under the stars tonight.  Don’t have a tent or prefer to sleep in your cozy bed? Find an outdoor concert to enjoy today. There are lots of free ones in July.
  11. Take a trip to a nearby country town to see beautiful scenery, buy fresh produce and explore. Stop at 7-11 today for a free Slurpee (on 7/11 day).
  12. Today is National Simplicity Day! Simplifying your life is a form of self-care. What will you do today? De-clutter? Clear your schedule for down-time? Eliminate stressors from your life? Say no to overwork and overextending with commitments? Switch to a whole-f00ds, plant-based diet or other healthy diet? Live within your means and debt-free? Create a capsule wardobe with what you have?
  13. Today, relax outdoors with a fun, umbrella drink. It doesn’t have to be alcoholic, just icy and in a fun glass with an umbrella. Make mine with pineapple, please!
  14. Go see a live baseball game. Wednesdays are one of the best days for baseball games. If you can’t get tickets to a major league game, pick a minor league game (tickets are much more affordable) or watch your neighborhood Little League team play. Baseball not your thing? It is also Bastille Day in France, and here in the United States, La Madeleine typically offers a freebie (like a mini tart). Check Facebook for a special offer or enjoy a French lunch.
  15. Today is Give Something Away Day. What do you have around your home that you don’t need anymore? Make room in your home for peaceful space and give it away! Today is also National Pina Colada Day! Make a healthy version in the blender without alcohol and treat yourself.
  16. Today, explore nature. Gardens will be in full bloom. Or visit a farm  park or nature center trail.  There should be lots of butterflies around!
  17. Ready for more adventure? Travel to the beach (or lake) before the jellyfish become more active (usually in August). Beach too far or too much $$$? Visit a National, State or regional park (some have swimming and “beaches”).  Today is also World Emoji Day — feel those feels! 🙂
  18. Today is National Ice Cream Day. You can get a free cone at Baskin Robbins but you have to download the app to get it.
  19. It’s Mindfulness Monday. Visit a meditation center or mindfulness store. Not sure where to look? Google “metaphysical shop near me.” You can also find events hosted by stores on Five Below has lots of affordable mindfulness journals, Chakra cards, smudges, incense, crystals, mandala coloring books and wall hangings and other accessories for your sacred space.
  20. Today is National Moon Day! It’s not quite the full moon — that’s on the 24th — but the moon should still be almost full. National Moon Day commemoraes the day U.S. astronauts landed on the Moon.
  21. Too hot to exercise outside? Take advantage of a free trial at a local gym and use the elliptical or exercise bike indoors with A/C.
  22. On Thankful Thursday, make a gratitude list with a hobbies or travel theme. Gratitude is a form of self-care. Today is also National Hot Dog Day. Hot dogs are not a healthy food but okay for every once in a while, and you can get a free one today at 7-11.
  23. Ready for a short bob or pixie cut? A short, summer hairstyle is youthful and requires no to minimal styling or accessories. It’s great for working out and swimming and it will grow back to cover your neck by winter. And it’s just not so hot with all that hair!
  24. Today is International Self-Care Day! Celebrate today by doing your favorite self-care activities. What will you choose to do for yourself today? There is also a full moon tonight.
  25. Take some time today to explore a waterfront town, marina or pier. There’s something about being around boats and water that is so relaxing. Plus, there is the bonus of fresh seafood nearby, and crabs are in season! Steamed crabs are low-calorie and full of nutrients that lower blood pressure and improve cognition.
  26. Take a mindful sunset walk today. As the air cools, breathe deeply and remain in the moment, in nature. Today is also Aunt and Uncle Day — send them a note or give them a call to tell  them how special they are to you!
  27. Make a pitcher of Mexican aqua fresca today to hydrate in a delicious way. Blend 2 cups of watermelon or cantaloupe with 4 cups of water, 2 tsp of lime juice and a 1/4 cup of sugar to make a fruity drink. Chill before serving.
  28. Work out in water today to keep cool – swim, water walk, water aerobics, water volleyball or water basketball.
  29. Try a new craft or class today. One of the easiest ways to be creative is to buy a craft kit at Michael’s, Five Below, Target, Wal-mart or other craft or hobby shop. Dollar Tree also has lots of affordable crafts materials. Some of my favorite craft activities: painted rocks, painting candle holders, making tiny Zen gardens, beaded jewelry, terrariums, weaving/yarn creations, suncatchers, coloring books and papercraft/planners/scrabooks/journals.
  30. Today is International Friendship Day! Celebrate today with your friends and make sure they know how much they mean to you. Social connection is a form of self-care.
  31. Have you visited your State Capitol yet? Summer is a great time to visit these beautiful and historic buildings and grounds (because the legislators are typically not in) and grounds. The tour gives you a new appreciation for how government works and is especially valuable if you have school age children. Most capital cites have festivals, nightlife, restaurants, museums, walking tours and shopping areas to explore and are usually not more than a couple of hours drive away.  Today is also National Avocado Day! Enjoy some avocado toast, guacamole or other avocado treat. Avocados are rich in heart-healthy, monosaturated fats.

30 Days of Active Self-Care in June

During the beautiful summer month of June, we are going to focus on our self-care goals related to physical fitness fits into that vision. June is a perfect half-way point to re-dedicate yourself to goals you thought about at the beginning of the year. The weather is ideal for walking, running, swimming, outdoor yoga and biking.

Here are 30 self-care ideas for the 30 days of June: June Self Care Challenge

You may complete the activities in any order you please. You may do more than one activity a day. The goal is to complete as many activities as you can by June 30.

I’d like to encourage you to purchase a binder (for a dollar at Dollar Tree) and dedicate it to your self-care work. Print out these self-care challenges each month and put them in the binder, along with some looseleaf paper for journaling and notes. Feel free to add your coloring pages, drawings, inspiration boards, bucket lists, to do lists,  or articles. This practice has made a huge difference to my sense of balance and wellbeing this year. I love looking through my binder and seeing what I have completed. P.S. If you feel motivated, you can complete self-care challenges you skipped in previous months, too!

We will start the month by stating the June affirmation (above). 

  1. Today is Say Something Nice Day. Are you nice to yourself? Positive self-talk is a form of self-care. Look in the mirror and the say the affirmation out loud today. Saying “I take care of the miracle that is my body” is empowering!
  2. Today is Global Running Day. If you are a runner, this is your day! If you are not a runner, try running in place for 45 seconds or for the duration of your favorite song. Go at a pace that is right for you. An inspirational running movie to watch today is Chariots of Fire. Here are 29 more!
  3. Today is World Bicycle Day! If you have a bicycle, this is your day! You can also rent a bike for an hour or two or pedal on a stationery bike at the gym. Don’t have access to a bike? Try this standing bicycle exercise.
    A fun bicycling movie to watch for today is Breaking Away. Here are 26 more. 
  4. Journal about your fitness goals. Revisit the health and exercise resolutions you made at the beginning of this year.  Write about the progress you have made and what you have learned. If you have not worked on these goals very much, think about the  challenges or obstacles you faced. Was it lack of motivation? Illness or injury? Work or family demands?  Considering the reality of these obstacles, how can you rework your plan to meet your objectives? Add your journal page to your self-care binder (see above). Alterntatively (or additionally), recommit to your fitness goals by adding motivational stickers to your planner as fun reminders.
  5. Today is National Trails Day. Take a walk on a hike or trail and enjoy the outdoors (cicadas and all!).
  6. Try a fitness meditation/visualization. Holding a carnelian crystal (optional), close your eyes and imagine yourself completing a simple workout from beginning to end, enjoying feelings of self-confidence, strength, satisfaction, accomplishment or whatever feeling you choose. Then, bringing along your crystal with you as your “exercise buddy,”  complete one workout of your choice. Did visualizing the process first make it easier or more enjoyable for you to complete?
  7. Check the condition of your workout shoes – trainers, running shoes, walking shoes — today.   
  8. Today is Best Friends Day. Good friends support each other’s goals. Who can help you help achieve your fitness goals? Do you have a workout buddy? Do something active together today to celebrate your friendship — take a walk or hike, climb a climbing wall, go to the pool or gym or do exercises together. 
  9. Tonight is the New Moon. It is an opportune time to set intentions for  the rest of the month. Do you have fitness goals to achieve? Meditate on them tonight.
  10. Today is Herbs and Spices Day. Herbs and spices have beneficial properties for your wellness. Use some fresh or dried ones in your meals to  day (while reducing salt). It is also Iced Tea Day — add some fresh spearmint to your iced tea!
  11. A strong core can help you avoid back pain. Here are three core exercises most people can perform to strengthen their core muscles.
  12. In studies, people who drank green tea (about 3 cups a day) lost more weight than people did not. To benefit from green tea, drink the caffeinated version and do not use boiling water (use very hot water). Steep for 10 minutes. 
  13. Today, write down 10 things you are grateful for about the miracle that is your body. Then read them out loud. Handwriting and reading out loud is good for your brain and memory and gratitude is a form of self care.
  14.  Try a Crystal Workout! Holding the carnelian (for self-confidence and strength), imagine yourself completing a workout from beginning to finish. Then, bringing your crystal with you as an exercise buddy,  complete one workout of your choice. How did working out make you feel? Do you think visualizing your success first helped make the process easier or increased your confidence? Write about it in your journal.
  15. Is your fitness equipment easily accessible? Today, create a well-organized storage place for your fitness equipment so you’ll use it more often.
  16. Take a healing bath with epsom salts to soothe tight or sore muscles today.
  17. Today is Eat Your Vegetables Day. Did you know that researchers have found that a whole foods, plant-based (or mostly plant-based) diet is the most healthful way to lose weight, lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of stroke and have a healthy heart? Today, enjoy fresh or frozen vegetables with every meal. Include at least one leafy green vegetable.By the way, if you wear flip flops to Tropical Smoothie today, you can get a free smoothie! 
  18. Today is Splurge Day. Today, splurge on a fitness item you’ve wanted, such as shoes, socks, clothing, yoga mat or yoga block, resistance bands, weights or an exercise video. 
  19. Balance exercises can help prevent falls. My sister fell last month and knocked her head on a wall, getting a concussion. As a consequence, I’m learning a lot about fall prevention. Try these exercises to improve your balance.
  20. Research supplements that stabilize blood sugar and lower blood pressure. Vitamin D, Mulberry Extract, Cinnamon, probiotics, fiber supplments (chicory/inulin), grapeseed extract, hibiscus, turmeric/curcumin with piperine and hawthorn are herbs and compounds that are heart-healthy. Check with your doctor about possible medication interactions.
  21. Happy First Day of Summer! Today is the International Day of Yoga. Here is a yoga workout to try. 
  22. Today is Kissing Day! Blow yourself a kiss after completing your workout today. Mwah!
  23. Today is National Hydration Day. And it is also Pink Day! How ab0ut buying yourself a pink water bottle for your workouts? Whatever you choose to do today, stay hydrated. Water is essential to reduce inflammation and remove toxins from  your body. Drinking plenty of water can also help you lose weight.
  24. Today is the Strawberry Full moon and it is also a Super Moon. Celebrate with ripe strawberries for breakfast or dessert tonight.
  25. A satin eye mask can help you sleep when early morning sun rays enter your bedroom. I bought one from CVS that was infused with lavender. It was under $10. You can also buy a mask from Target for about $5. Sufficient sleep helps you lose weight and recover from workouts. 
  26. Today is Forgiveness Day. Hey, working out (and losing weight, if you need to) is hard! Don’t carry that blame around with you or let it side-track your goals. No one is perfect. Forgive yourself (and anyone else) today and recommit to your goals with a clean slate.
  27. Today is Pineapple Day. Pineapple contains bromelain, an anti-inflammatory compound. It is also rich in nutrients, fiber and water. Some say eating pineapple can help you lose weight. Pineapple juice is good before or after workouts.
  28. Today is Insurance Awareness Day. Were you aware (ha ha) that some insurance plans include gym or fitness classes benefits? Research your plan to see if it pays for anything that can promote your personal fitness goals.
  29. Today is National Camera Day. Smile and take a post-workout selfie! 
  30. Today is  Beach Day. Can’t make it to the beach? Here is a guided meditation with a beach walk theme that is the next best thing.

28 Days of Loving Self-Care in February

There are so many days to celebrate in February. You can easily turn them into self-care days because February is all about the love! This month, I’ve incorporated a rose theme into many of the suggested activities. Download the self-care tracker below and do them all! February self care challenge.docx

1 Today is Dark Chocolate Day. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, which help strengthen your immune system. But you don’t want to eat it in large amounts. So, for Mindfulness Monday, savor a small amount of dark chocolate, mindfully and slowly. Mindful activities like doing one thing completely are good for your mind and body.

2 Tart cherry juice is rich in melatonin. Choose this for your evening drink instead of wine and you will sleep better. Melatonin is helpful in It also reduces inflammation and can help painful joints. It also has shown to be a protective factor against the corona virus.

3 Today is Workout Wednesday. I decided to employ a rose theme for self-care this month. Here is a “Rose Yoga” workout to try.

4 One nice thing about the pandemic is the ability to work from home. You may  not have to look professional every day and you can have some fun. How about a tattoo – a temporary one? For the Valentine month of February, here are some pretty rose tattoos. They are only $1.50. Where will you wear one? Wearing temporary tattoos can be a form of positive rebellion — helping you step out of your patterns in a safe way while avoiding destructive life choices.

5  Today is Wear Red Day for Women’s Heart Health. It’s an easy way to raise awareness of an important health issue. Contribution is a form of self-care because it makes you feel good about yourself.

6 In the UK, there is a social movement on this day called Time To Talk. It involves having conversations to support each other and lessen the stigmas of mental illness, like depression and anxiety. On this day, they encourage people to ask each other “How are you?”…twice. And then listening to the answer. Sounds like a good idea to try!

7 Today is Send a Card to a Friend Day. And Valentine’s Day is in a week. After you pick out your cards, pick up some of the new “LOVE” stamps from the post office. Sending greeting cards is a safe way of connecting wth loved ones and friends that don’t live in your household. During the pandemic, connection is more important than ever.

8 It’s Mindfulness Monday, again! Here  is a Valentine mandala you can print and color. Coloring mandalas is a creative way to relax and manage stress. 

9 Today is National Pizza Day! You can make your own pizza for a fraction of the cost of delivery and it can be a fun family activity. I like Mary’s personal pizza size crusts (3 to a pack). Any canned sauce can be pizza sauce with the addition of a little oregano and some garlic powder. Tomato sauce is rich in Lycopene, an antixoidant which is good for your heart.

10 It’s Workout Wednesday! Last week was yoga and this week is strengthening with weights. Here is a Valentine workout with free weights to try.

11 Make it a thankful Thursday and list 11 things you are grateful to have in your life today.

12 Do you miss mani-pedis? I know I do. Brighten your toenails with some rose pink or red nail polish.

13 Today is Galentine’s Day. It’s a made-up holiday from the TV show, Parks and Recreation. It’s a day for women to affectionately celebrate their female friends. On a good year, you might decide to go out for chocolate fondue or a wine tasting. But this is not a good year, unfortunately. So, why not get together, virtually, for a watch party? I’m watching the star-studded movie, Valentine’s Day. It is $3 to rent on YouTube. Here’s the trailer…

14 Happy Valentine’s Day! Chocolate and roses are nice but a French breakfast is my idea of romantic. Did you know you can order a contact-free Sunday brunch? La Madeleine offers omelettes, Quiche Loraine, croissants, cappucino and even $5 Mimosas to go!

15  Today is a Federal holiday so some of you will have the day off. Take advantage of your time to relax on Mindfulness Monday with soothing essential oils. Essential oils need to be diluted in carrier oil before you can apply them to your skin. I like essential oils that are already diluted and packaged in a convenient roll-on. I have the lavender scented “Chill Pill” Aura Cacia one in my self-care kit. But Aura Cacia also makes a rose oil roll-on. Rose oil helps you relax and is good for your skin. They are sold in grocery stores and online.

16 Today is Mardi Gras! I like to make a Creole/Cajun dinner for Mardi Gras. I also came up with a respectable non-alcoholic Hurricane! Here are my gumbo, salad, bananas foster and hurricane  recipes for Mardi Gras — add a King Cake, some beads and Preservation Jazz Hall tunes and you have a celebration worthy of the Big Easy.

17 It’s Wednesday and you know what that means! Time to work out. This is an oldie but a goodie. If you have not worked out in a while, you should not find this toning workout too difficult or too fast.

18 Do you have a self-care kit? It’s easy to make. All you need is a small box (I use a plastic “school” box) and some inexpensive items that help you relax when you’re feeling anxious, stressed or down. My self-care box has an Aura Cacia lavender essential oil roll-on, a Whole Foods organic peppermint lip balm (I dot it on my wrists — the smell of peppermint helps relieve depression), a Tangle fidget, a hackey sack to squeeze, some hard candy and a lollipop, an essential oil mini pillow spray, a trial size Jergens rose body butter lotion, some crystals and a booklet I made from a mini photo album of things to do when I feel stressed or blue. It has been a real help during the pandemic. What would you put in your kit?

19 Would you like to wake up looking refreshed? A satin pillowcase can help. Less costly than a silk pillowcase, a satin pillowcase helps reduce skin creasing and “bed head” hair. Some people sleep more soundly on one. 

20 Rose quartz is a light pink semi-precious crystal that is associated with romantic love, friendship, platonic love and self-love. Make a rose quartz bracelet and carry that good energy around with you. All you need is a strand of beads ($2 to $10, Michael’s craft stores or Joann’s Fabrics), some .5mm Stretch Magic and jewelry glue (Wal-Mart) or E6000 to hold your square knot secure. Not into bracelets? Buy a rose quartz stone for your pocket, desk or night table. Small ones start at about a dollar from crystal shops.

21 Bubble baths are the ultimate in self-care. Last month, I shared some of the health benefits. Relax in a rose-scented bath with this affordable trial size of rose and peony scent body wash from Method ($2, Target). This would make a nice addition to a self-care kit for yourself or to gift to a friend. Other brands with rosy scents include Dove, Olay and St. Ives.

22 Mindfulness Monday is here again. Has the pandemic or other stressors caused you to be more anxious than usual? I know that is true for me. Here is a guided meditation.


23 Rose hip and hibiscus tea is a scarlet red herbal blend that is full of flavor and rich in vitamin C and other nutrients. In addition to being good for your immune system, rose hips can help alleviate arthritis and hibiscus can lower your blood pressure. Look for these ingredients in Celestial Seasons Red Zinger tea, Twinings Holiday Berry and many other varieties sold on Amazon.

24 Did you know that trying new dance routines is good for your brain? This is one of the best bellydancing videos I have tried. The instructor patiently and slowly goes through each movement so you can perfect your form, while remaining safe. Bellydancing uses muscles we don’t activate everyday but these moves can strengthen your arms and core. I don’t recommend certain bellydancing “exercise” videos (Leilah Isaac is a big “no”) because they go TOO quickly and pay less attention to form. The result, especially for a novice, could be injury.  Another excellent video/instruction book set was published by Barnes and Noble by Carolena Nericcio. You can find it second-hand on Amazon.

25 Cold, winter air and forced air heat leads to dry skin. I tried this rose-scented lotion and really liked it. You may be able to find the trial size for your self-care kit: Jergens Body Butter Rose. 

26 Proponents of rose quartz face rolling say it drains lymphatic system, reduces eye circles and minimizes fine lines, while relaxing tension and decreasing stress. Some people chill them in the refrigerator. You can find YouTube videos that demonstrate how to use them. The least expensive rose quartz face roller I have found was $5 at Five Below, making this an affordable, feel-good splurge.

27 One of my favorite, low-carb breakfasts has the colors of Valentine’s Day. It’s just plain, whole milk yogurt, topped with fresh raspberries and a drizzle of honey (if desired). It is so satisfying, it will keep you full until lunch-time. Raspberries are low-glycemic so they do not raise your blood sugar as quickly as some other fruits. This also makes a good smoothie!

28 Today is International Hygge Day! That is the Danish term for an important part of their culture that is truly the ultimate form of cozy, gentle, relaxed-pace self-care. Hygge can get you through the last cold days of winter. It characteristically involves

  • Quality time with your friends and family (or if alone, a pet or soft blanket)
  • Maintaining healthy work/life balance
  • Mindfulness
  • Less of an emphasis on “things”
  • Deplugging from social media and TV
  • Soft lighting: string lights, candles and fireplaces
  • Warm, fuzzy socks and soft, oversized knit sweaters
  • Snuggling with cushy throw blankets, sofas and pillows
  • Comfort foods and oversized mugs of steaming tea, coffee or hot chocolate
  • Having a leisurely coffee break or  brunch 
  • Favorite books, crafts, knitting, etc.